Another day of breathlessness and occasional dizzy spells. Last week I called an ambulance and the hospital said I was 'unremarkable' (and then filled me with magnesium and tripled my beta-blocker dosage). So what can I do to help myself to stop the breathlessness and dizziness?
Breathlessness and dizziness - self h... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Breathlessness and dizziness - self help?

Hi...I couldn't breathe when I was on beta blockers...just could not function at all..I cut them in half tried that nope still the same then I cut the half again...nope..still couldn't breath etc...stop them...went to the cardiologist and he's put me on Slozem...which is a calcium channel blocker...and I can breathe...walk etc...I find these really good.
My story is similar to yours. My GP placed me on 25mg of Metoprolol, a beta blocker. I had palpitations, sluggishness, depression, moodiness. I cut them in half which alleviated the situation a bit; then, I told my GP that I would not take them. He has prescribed Verapamil , a calcium channel blocker, which is a huge improvement. The other rate control medicine which is also a calcium channel blocker is Diltiazem. (Slozem is a brand name of diltiazem) as per
Another option is nebivolol which is a mixture of calcium blockers and beta blocker - works well for me.
I do hope you get better soon 🌺
But first you need really to find out from uour doctor what is causing the dizziness and shortness of breath
Does your doctor know about these symtons if not its need to be investigated More
Is it the Afib or is it the medications ?
If its the latter then you need to speak with doctor and change or come off the medication that is causing the problem
But this you need to do with your team and if you are not happy with something uou do have the right to say no even under pressure
Do your own research into what meds u are taking
Some people are more sensive than others 🌺