I had my second ablation on Aug 15th last year. In my discharge letter the EP said to stop all meds after 2 months if no further episodes. However, I had a long episode after about 6 weeks and another in November. This is so much less than before the procedure as I was having 2 or 3 episodes a week. I have spells of odd arrhythmias still but not sure if they are AF, I know some are just ectopics and they don't usually last more than a few minutes. I spoke to my doctor before Christmas and she said "Oh we won't bother about taking you off them just now if things are settled". I know she's worried because another patient (who I know about as it's a very small village) stayed on medication for a long time after his ablation and was fine. As soon as they tried to reduce them he had major problems again and went into constant AF, which despite cardioversion, ramping up original doses and trying new meds, nothing worked and he was sent for another ablation!
I am happy that this ablation seems to have helped a lot but another of my hopes was to be free of the flecainide and bisoprolol which I take.
Thanks for reading my huge essay and I look forward to hearing your views.