Hello Everyone,
I have just had my yearly blood tests done.
One came back low on Iron,I had the third test done again yesterday,so will hear next week how this result is.
With no obvious signs of bleeding,Could Rivaroxaban be the cause,
I have been over two years on it and obvious signs for me have been very cold all the time even the few hot days we had in Scotland this summer,also after starting this about 2months I noticed my skin very pale.apart from this no trouble.
I asked the doctor could it be the Rivaroxaban,answer was Don't think so.
Put this into computer when I came home "Rivaroxaban and Unable to absorb Iron"and up came responses,looks like this has a lot to do with my results.Anyone else in the same boat? also said people with AF, are are included with this problem. look forward to hearing from you,Keep well.