Hi to all !! I have been following Juggsy's posting on the forum . Very interested in your thought process . I too have asymptomatic PAF . Have just seen my EP an excellent man with lot of time for me Dr Simon Sporton I highly recommend him. He has many years of experience and research in the field of ablation . He is recommending cryoBallon ablation, and has suggested I should spent some time thinking about it . His success rate is 70-85% with 90-95% on round two.
Like Juggsy I have been in touch with Dr Sabine Ernst , she has asked for my medical history which I have supplied ,and am now waiting for her to come back to me.
Not sure which way to jump cryoBallon or Sabine's RF ablation with the use of new nuclear scan . I am a little confused why Dr Ernst is using RF ablation as oppose to cryoBallon since the latter has shown to give higher success rate ? I do appreciate the the new scan give far better mapping of the nerve endings . Any thoughts will be appreciated .