Amplatzer device American news - Atrial Fibrillati...
Amplatzer device American news
very interesting thank you
Thank you for this interesting review
The reviews are good, its getting it done that's the problem. my GP is in favour of me having it or the Watchman device. I should have gone for it two years ago and paid for it at London Bridge Hospital but held off as an EP at my local hospital said that he might be able do an Amplatzer after six months after my pacemaker was fitted.
Lady Luck.
They have been around for quite a few years this is a 'new improved' version of the Amplatzer.
In America they are FDA approved on the basis that over the years they will be cheaper and safer than NOAC's or Warfarin.
Sounds to me like swapping one risk of clots for another: "In most people, the LAA — a small appendage connected to the left atrium — does not increase the risk of adverse health effects, but in some patients with atrial fibrillation, the LAA does not contract effectively and it can become a source of blood clots."