Did anyone ever experience this... Suddenly my heart has gone really slow for about 10-15 seconds and it felt like it was going to stop, then it'll be normal again, it's very frightening. I have A Fib
Slow heartbeat: Did anyone ever... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Slow heartbeat

I haven't experienced this ( although I seem to have had everything else ).
In your position I would get checked out by , initially, your GP particularly if this is happening regularly
I have, in fact my heart did pause for several seconds sometimes. It was blamed on my medication (Diltiazem) so I was offered an ablation which has been very successful so far.
Hi Happyjo, thanks for your reply and everyone else's too. I live alone so I'm wondering if this happens can I do anything to increase my HR.
My husband had this happen and after wearing a holter monitor for a week, was diagnosed with what is called Bradychardia (slow heart beat) Tachycardia (fast heartbeat). He also had occasional AF. He was told he must not take beta blockers and referred for a pacemaker insertion. Since had no more problems! He is 82 and very fit, still plays golf and volunteers for 3 organisations.
6 seconds is a long pause so please do get it checked out very soon. Pacemaker insertion is a 40 min procedure under a local anaesthetic and a very successful solution. As it is your heart's natural pacemaker which is going a bit wonky I don't think there is anything you could do which would help.
Have you read about Ectopic heartbeats yet?
It is described as "extra or skipped beats"
Ask your doctor about it, and read up on it, a start is at: nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/enc...
They (doctors) say it is usually harmless, but some cases are found to be more serious.
I have had some episodes, and I can describe it as if my heartbeat just "waits" a second or maybe a split second to give the next beat. It also feels if the next beat is then "harder" or more forceful. I hope I describe it good enough.
I have also found it more common when my stomach is full or bloated.
Hope you get some answers.
Hi Gwelos - just read your post. I have a very slow heart rate. I also have PAF. My slow heart rate was picked up by an implanted looped recording device which resulted in a pacemaker being inserted last year. I am not saying that you need a pacemaker, but when my heart rate goes below 60 bpm my pacemaker kicks in and gives it a reminder it is going too slow. Do get yourself checked out, especially if you feel light headed or faint.
Best wishes