Scary heartbeat: Hi all. I have Parox... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Scary heartbeat

Valdoot profile image
25 Replies

Hi all. I have Parox AF and on all the meds involved. Beta blockers Blood thinners and Statins. My heart beat is nice is on 65 but it’s really and I mean really strong. I have a cuppa resting on my chest and it’s really moving the mug. Not just slightly, I mean the mug is dancing. Surely this isn’t AF? Do you think I have another problem on top of the AF? I feel great, get tired easy but that’s fine. Any help would be good. I see the cardiologist end of Oct.

Many many thanks for just being here.💕

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Valdoot profile image
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25 Replies
wilsond profile image

Happens to me AF does not often go fast but very irregular and strong beats . It's weird but not too much to worry about. I expect you may be on rythym drugs when you see cardiologist. Btw have you thought of asking to be referred to an Electrophysiologist they are specialists in the electrics of the heart? NHS. Xx

Valdoot profile image
Valdoot in reply to wilsond

No, I didn’t know there were such things to be honest. I thought you just went to cardio. I don’t know about rhythm drugs either? I’m going write all of this info down for my visit in Oct. Thankyou

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Valdoot

Keep in me if you need info...youre welcome.As Bob says,know!edge is power. Stay calm and carry on as they say...this is not life threatining..,adjustment necessary though.Best wishes xxxx

in reply to Valdoot

Flecainide is good for getting rhythm back to normal. I just take it as a PIP if/when I have an episode of AF (only got it prescribed by seeing a private EP as I was not referred to one by the NHS, sadly) . As the episodes were getting more frequent it was suggested I take it regularly but it failed to prevent episodes and made me feel very tired. I've stopped taking everything now and have been AF free for a week but resting a lot as had a nasty cold. Perhaps it's a miracle cure! We are all different and hope you find what works for you as "we are all different"!

BobD profile image

HR slightly low but what its your BP?

Valdoot profile image
Valdoot in reply to BobD

I don’t know Bob. My blood pressure is usually ok. I bought a monitor but it gives odd readings. It says in the small print not to use if you have AF.

Valdoot profile image

Really! Blimey that’s s surprised me! It’s still at it mind you.🥴 It’s just scary you know. I’m thinking is my heart labouring too much and if so how will it cope if I exert myself? Playing with the grandkids etc?

Valdoot profile image

Just over 2 years but only had 3 hospital stays. 1 recently, trouble is I just felt a bit down n rubbishy. I had an appointment at GPs by coincidence for something else, told her how I felt and she sent me in by ambulance. I’m finding it very difficult to know when I need help. Think that’s why I’m worrying.

Valdoot profile image
Valdoot in reply to Valdoot

Sent me in when she’d read my BP, Hr etc.

Valdoot profile image

I’ll read it again to make sure John

Ppiman profile image

My understanding of a pounding heart is that it is usually caused if not by exercise, then as a reaction to “heart” of “cardiac” anxiety. My whole experience of flutter and fibrillation since this April is that anxiety plays a huge role in it.

If I were you, I’d buy a Boots blood pressure monitor at just under £20.00. This will tell you your pulse and pressure, and whether the pulse is stable and regular. It’s a bargain and easy enough to use - but has to wrap around either a bare or a thin shirt-sleeved upper arm.

I managed to get an Omron RS7 wrist monitor on offer, which has a phone app and is much quicker to put on and easier use - but the Boots product is a Which Best Buy for accuracy.

Other than this, if money is available, you could get a Kardia ECG machine but at £100.00 or even - and best of all if you have an iPhone - an Apple Watch 4. Both will measure your heart rate and ECG to check for afib.


dani777 profile image

Hi. I'm far from a doc, but I can only tell you my own experience. I don't really have these sort of super strong beats but I know other people talk about these. What I have are mostly flutters, then sometimes, dread, violent sort of quivers/cartwheels type palpitations which scare the **** out of me. I now have flutters most days, off and on all day. Drives me crazy. And my heart rate is faster, normally around 85bpm. I can't feel it beating fast, though. I only feel the flutters and the other horrible ones I mentioned. End of the day, if you're really worried, see your GP. And I'm not sure hot drinks trigger harder beats, just as I haven't found very cold drinks to stop palps, although drinks with caffeine could definitely trigger palpitations. I have found though that heavy weight on your chest area can trigger palps. You can probably guess what I'm on about lol... sex. Particularly if they are overweight. Your cardiologist will hopefully find out what's going on and reassure you x

Crumble2 profile image


I have paroxysmal AF - sounds very similar to your experience. I am on beta blockers only. My heart thumps like that when I have eaten too many carbs or had a big meal. It’s usually accompanied by low BP as well. So I limit bread, pasta and never eat big meals and i don’t get the heavy heartbeats any more. We’re all different and this may not help but you never know. Hope it’s improves ....

DuckWing profile image
DuckWing in reply to Crumble2

That same thing happens to me as well

Bpsan profile image

Could it be due to the beta blocker you are on? I have paroxysmal AF too. I am on Bisoprolol as a Beta Blocker but I changed to a different Beta B to see if I was less tired. In other words to see if it was the Bisoprolol making me tired and to test if a different Beta B would suit me better. Unfortunately I can't remember what I transferred to but it didn't make me feel less tired it gave me muscle aches but also made my heart beat really strong just as you described. The pace was fine about 65 but I was always uncomfortably aware of this strong beat. Changed back to original Beta B and all fine.

in reply to Bpsan

Hi was it nebevolol you switched to from bisoprolol? Only I've done the same !


Bpsan profile image
Bpsan in reply to

No it wasn't that one. But am away from home at mo and can't check !

GrannyE profile image

Just a thought. Have you had your ferrous (iron) and Vit B12 levels checked just in case you have low stomach acid? Lack of a good red blood cell count could mean your heart has to work harder because of the anaemia. When I had anaemia I could not lie on my left side cos my heart lifted me off the bed on every beat.

I also recommend you get at BP monitor and a Kardia. At least you then know what is going on.

Auriculaire profile image

Statins are not a necessary med for PAF.

adventures profile image

Hi Valdoot, Just read your message and all the replies to you. I have PAF like you, it kicked in after menopause/losing those vital female hormones which protect out hearts, nature saying 'Ok you've reproduced so you can buzz off now!'

Hopefully to help you, which has helped me. Have your main meal at lunchtime or definitely before 5.30, then don't eat anything after 6.00pm, then you can have a decaff hot drink and only one non-choc biscuit in the evenin ( my doc told me to give up chocolate as bad for heart rhythm) then the stomach isn't working hard with digesting and your heart can rest then you will sleep well with calm beats esp if you're taking b.blockers.

Try it and see. Good luck.

in reply to adventures

Interesting about the chocolate and have been trying to persuade husband to have main meal at lunch time for a while which we only manage occasionally- The AFA suggests evening meal to be over by 8 which we do- 6 seems very early but perhaps you are "early to bed, early to rise"!

I have had a nasty cold over the past week and no AF but would not want to suggest that as a "cure"!

Mine wasn't diagnosed until I was 73. 75 now and still haven't quite cracked it- can't take Bisoprolol as the lowest dose brought my heart rate down dangerously low and no alternative was suggested! So I saw an EP privately and got flecaininde to use as a PIP. We have to work it out ourselves it would seem!

Sykesie profile image

Yep. That all sounds very normal for AF. I’ve

had permanent AF since it was detected in 2010 and yes it is a bit disconcerting when you rest something on your chest and it quivers like a jelly, but that’s just AF (the upper chamber of your heart jiggling away).

Relax and accept that rhythm. If you’re symptom free then just get on with enjoying life. All the best.

Tapanac profile image

Yes I had those very strong, but also irregular, heart beats. It was so bad that when I sat up in bed or on the settee, it felt as if the bed and furniture were moving. So scary and frightening. When it came with the tachycardia my pulse was in the region of 240-250 bpm. I did in the end have to have an ablation which has helped a lot, but now I suffer with bradycardia with a heart beat of between 39-44. So much so I was due to have a foot operation next Friday and there are doubts now whether I can have it done. I would, in your case, go back to your cardiologist as I'm sure there is something that can be done. I too was frightened that the heaving and bumping would wear my heart out. I do hope you feel better soon.

allserene profile image

As John6 said, now we are aware of our heart, it makes us recognize every beat and it is magnified in our minds... I had big palpitations 40 years ago and my whole chest was squirreling about... Either it settled down, or I stopped thinking about it, but I have had 40 normal years since then... Another example: My new Toyota is an auto and hesitates when accelerating from a rolling stop. I have had it 2 years from new and never noticed it before. Now I have noticed it, I am having the computer reflashed on Wednesday, but if it doesn't work I will have to sell the car coz its sending me crazy !

barbly1 profile image

I had an ablation for afib a year ago, and it took care of my racing heart, but did not address the skipped beats that are coming from the lower part of my heart. The skipped beats rock me hard, just as you are describing. Sometimes when I am sitting in a chair and this is happening, I feel like I am swaying to and fro. The skipped beats are now mainly under control with Flecainide (rhythm drug), but if I miss my 12-hour dose by even an hour, I will start getting these ectopic skipped beats again. On a 7-day continuous monitor, done last month while off the Flecainide for 24 hours, my "heart burden" was 8.5 based on all those skipped beats. Surgery is recommended if the burden is 4. Since the Flecainide controls it I will wait for surgery. Maybe you are having skipped beats and that's why it feels like it's pounding. For me, it really hammers when it skips. I use a pulse oximeter to check, and it will still show a number anywhere from 37 to 70 while skipping beats. My normal rhythm post ablation is about 95, and I feel great at that speed. A few skipped beats are harmless, but if that is the cause of your pounding and it is strong and frequent, it should not be ignored.

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