Ever since I have been taking this it has been supplied in packets from Accord Pharma. On picking up my latest batch, the packaging is new and it says Accord Healthcare. I've previously suffered no side effects from this. Is this change in supplier a possible cause for concern?
Bisoprolol Supplier Change: Ever since... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Bisoprolol Supplier Change

Sorry, it was Almus Phrama originally. Now it's Accord. I'm just wondering if there is likely to be any change in the makeup of the tablets.
It's possible that the 'other ingredients' list will vary from company to company whilst the concentration of Bisoprolol will remain the same. Check the ingredients lists and if in doubt both companies have contact details on the web. Some members report differences in various drug suppliers but I've not experienced problems either with Bisoprolol or Flecainide.
You'll probably be better off. Accord is generally the chosen brand for hospitals alongside the best being Cardicor. Both of which are my preference .
However you'll only know when trying .
I've found the difference in brand side effects quite mind bending. Literally .
Hi Phil,
I am very interested in your answer, can you enlarge in particular about the brand of bisoprolol and what side effects You suffered. I have noticed lately that l am getting very tired between 8-10pm, maybe a change of brand will help me. Am l allowed to request a certain brand from Boots (my chemist), Accord (hospitals) best brand Cardicor.
Hi Alan,
My Bisoprolol/Flecainide continue to be from ALMUS Pharmaceuticals, no change here. Hope all is well.
Best Wishes
Thanks for the info Alan, l have ways been on this particular brand (from Boots as well). I will keep an eye on this the next time l get my perscription.
Kind Regards
Worth noting that I've had two brands of the same drug and they gave me very different side-effects. This was propafenone not bisoprolol, so not directly relevant but just making the point.
My GP always puts the suppliers name on my prescription for diltiazem.
One pharmacy insisted in giving me digoxin loose in a tiny bottle - and insisted they were never supplied in blister packs.
I had to go to anther pharmacy who said it was cheaper to give me them loose. The new pharmacy then supplied them in blister packs.
Hope you can get the bisoprolol brand sorted - maybe from another pharmacy if need be or ask your GP to state the brand on your prescription.
I have had problems with bisoprolol - the offending brand was from Mylan. It was the ingredient Tartrazine (E102) which is a colouring additive. Banned in some countries causes Hyper symtoms. I am very sensitive caffine ect. Most people it would probably not effcect them. I always check the contents of my medication now, and cemist has noted not to give me that one.
different brand names make no difference to the actual drug content. This is strictly controlled by law. For an example, take acetaminophen, It is sold under all sorts of brand names like panadol, tylenol. So changing brand should have no effect on you. only very, very rarely are people allergic to some of the other non- drug ingredients that manufactures use to make the drug, like the coating or capsule. so you should not be concerned.
I was given a different brand of bisop and my hr increased then went into AF had to have CV do nt know if it was the bisop or just coincidence but made chemist get my usual brand
I guess if one becomes unduly worried about the change of brand that in itself could help start AF.
I've read that although ingredients are controlled, things like coatings are not so controlled (if at all, pass?), but also that neither is the manufacturing process. So you can have a drug with the same ingredient but that are not the same as each other. I've certainly had very serious side-effects (I became almost suicidal, and I never suffer even from depression) within days, tried it twice, same effect. But my original brand was fine for years, and still is.
I live in South Africa and my "brand" of Bisoprolol has changed a few times.
Currently my "brand" is Adco-Bisocor, made by Adcock Ingram Limited. It is a generic of the real thing if I understand correctly.
I did not pick up any changes with the "brands" changing, but maybe I must pay closer attention, because I do recall that there where times that I became very tired. However I cannot recall if it was during this brand change time.