I have taken my first Rivaoxaban this morning, very, very reluctantly, I feel so anxious about it like my world has changed completely! Silly I know , so scared of he potential side effects. Does the longer you are taking it mean that the risks are higher?
started Rivaoxaban today: I have taken... - Atrial Fibrillati...
started Rivaoxaban today

No need to be anxious, have been on them over a year after taking warfarin and have had absolutely no side effects at all, just need to inform anyone medical before any procedures that you are taking it, otherwise all well.
Hi, My husband and I have been taking it for over 5 years with no
problems whatsoever, dont worry. If you cut yourself you will
bleed and it just takes a little longer to stop, but certainly no
Caznear, I completely understand your feelings. I just started Pradaxa on Friday. I know that we are doing the right thing to prevent stroke but it's still frightening to take these powerful drugs. Good health to you!
Yes indeed Gracey, don't know much about Pradaxa but assume it's a similar thing with similar side effects! We are between a rock and a hard place with this AF. Suppose I have been lucky to have avoided the anti coags as I am 68 this year and have had AF since my thirties. Good luck to you!
I took warfarin with the greatest reluctance. It seemed to be a step into a new world that I didn't like at all but nothing awful happened (to my surprise) except that I was constantly at the surgery for tests. When I changed to rivaroxaban, it was like stepping into the sunshine again. I have no reservations as I find it so trouble free. ! hope you will find it so too.
I have been taking Xarelto as well with no side effects, but need to have something for my RA. Can anyone give me some advice on this please? I was on Voltaren, but cannot take this now as it is an nsaid. The pain has increased quite a bit since I am no longer on it. Please help if you can.
Casnear68, If you mean drink of the alcoholic kind, definately, but in
moderation of course!
Rivaroxaban is ok😊 So much better than warfarin, take it and forget it... All things in moderation, enjoy your life! I have a glass of wine or a gin and tonic most evenings. I am doing ok, life is for living I believe. I'm not being flippant, but we mustn't over worry about AF. (I'm sure I will now be shot down for being irresponsible).
Hi, I have a drink most days, I have approxmately glass -glass 1/2 of
wine with dinner in the evenings, my wind down time.
Hi I'm in Apixaban Been on about 5weeks.Im not a person who takes tablets with out worrying Like others have said I know I need to take it but it doesn't stop you thinking So far I seem to be fine on it Newly diagnosed with AF I'm waiting my first clinic appointment on 19th July I guess with time every bumb and bang is easier to except With you muttering words like Oh well another bruise maybe will appear but I do believe risks of those are lower in the new form of tablets compared to warfarin Here any time you wish to ask something or querry a concern People on here are so helpful and friendly xx