Scenar is one name for this device. The following two sites are some of many that can be found on the internet. Scenar is approved for use in some countries where Physiokey may not be. Look at the testimonials on these sites for examples of a few ways that it can be used. Veterinarians use it on animals with great success. Training is definitely required for the professional device. The personal devices require much less training.
By accident, when I chose a chiropractor to check my neck for vagus nerve issues, he happened to be the only one in eastern Canada who had a Scenar device. I asked him if he would check to see if it could be used to impact the vagus nerve as it does impact nerves. He did some research and then said we could give it a try with no certainty of what would result. I needed neck and back attention so while doing these adjustments he also used the Scenar device in what could possibly be a successful approach. After about 10 fairly frequent treatments, it has definitely changed the parameters of my AF episodes; but so far has not stopped them. He is now spacing out the treatments as recommended for nerve issues. He is communicating with a practitioner in Australia who is interested in this treatment possibility.
He did say, during treating a person for structural issues, this person's AF stopped and did not return. He presumed the adjustments somehow impacted the vagus nerve where it leaves the spine in the neck. He did not have the Scenar device at that time.
Has anyone heard of this device and have they tried it for AF? I have not been able to find, on the internet, any instances where it has been used for AF.