I am really enjoying this forum, so informative. Has answered so many questions for me that even my GP couldn't seem to answer. Thank you all for sharing your experiences.
Great Forum!: I am really enjoying this... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Great Forum!

Welcome aboard! If you're new to AF, make sure you read all the information on the AF Association website. I'd also suggest going to the AF Patients' Day (usually held in October in Birmingham) where a panel of experts talk about a range of topics covering AF.

Welcome from me as well. We do try!
Thanks Bob!
And from me.
This forum saved my sanity in the early days and still does from time to time. X
Welcome from me too. The advice and knowledge here and on the AF website were like water in the desert for me when I was first diagnosed - and I'm still learning.
Welcome to the forum Morgat. Fantastic site with caring members.
Welcome to a world we would all rather not be!!!!
You will find the information on this forum extremely useful and informative. Please do ask any questions even if you think they are silly and trivial. We are all here to help!!! Yes many on here do know more About AF than our GPs do!!! Once when I saw my GP she had a medical student shadowing her and my GP said to the student that I knew more about AF than she did. Not many GPs would admit that. That is not a slight on GPs because by the nature of their work they are generalists rather than specialists although many have a specialist area.
Key is to get referred to an EP.
Hi Morgat,
Yep, 6 years ago when this started for me I found the experience of others at the time so valuable and reassuring. Nowadays I marvel at just what a diverse condition this is and how it affects us all in such varied ways. No wonder GP'S and even some Cardio Consultants have a problem getting their brains around it.
Another source of support can be various Support Groups which are springing up around the country. I think the AFA website may have a listing of one near you, if you are in UK.