I'm noticing much more brittle and vertically striated fingernails since back on fleccainide. Could they be related? Nothing else has changed that I'm aware of.
Meds and Brittle nails?: I'm noticing... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Meds and Brittle nails?

More likely warfarin if you are on that. MY nails are ditto and have been since I started eleven years ago. Zinc shortage is another possibility I think.
No Warfarin but low dose Eliquis. I'll check zinc, but I take regular vitamin supplement. Thanks Bob!
I never thought as side effect of Flecanaide. I've been on it for years and have vertical ridges on my fingernails and nails are brittle and dry. My nails due to the ridges are splitting also. Very interesting question, I thought maybe cleaning products , aging, or vitamin deficiency. I've been to dermatologist who biopsied my nail to be sure I didn't have a fungus. There is no fungus and they have no answer so Flecanaide could be the culprit! Thanks for your post ! Let us know if you find the answer. Gracey
I too have very brittle nails since being on warfarin & Flecainide. They used to be so very strong too. I'm trying various products to strengthen them but all to no avail. Suppose it's the price we have to pay!
I have brittle nails, but I'm on warfarin rather than flecainide. Maybe they both do it? I do my own gel nail polish, which helps a lot. Not a lot of use for the guys I know! or maybe not

Thanks Eatso..!
Ageing and medication.m I don't take flecanaide but I take DMARD drug for rheumatoid arthritis which also makes my hair fall out. It is very thin now but I have given up caring., as long as I am reasonably well and mobile..
I have been on warfarin for 20 years. Latterly have noticed the nails - not warfarin - anno domini!
Haha. Seems to be a consensus there!
There is a very good cream for ridged nails, strength and growth based on a product called Cornucresine which is used for horses hooves, it is brilliant, thoroughly recommend it, ask any groom!
I have had brittle nails all my life and noticed the vertical ridges, especially on my thumb nail which splits along that ridges in latter years but I just put that down to ageing as it seems a common problem.
Interestingly I notice a marked improvement in their strength and fewer ridges in the last 10 months or so. I stopped taking Flecainide in June 2014. My hair is also stronger. There could be many reasons for this:-
1. could be because a latent illness is being treated & I no longer have AF and I feel so much better anyway which is reflected in nails & hair.
2. The supplements I was prescribed for oesteioporsis have made a noticeable difference.
3. I also radically changed my diet around 2013-4 and now eat 'clean' and much healthier.
4. Could be stopping the Flecainide.
Trouble is how would I know cause from coincidence?
Best wishes CD
Someone I know ( aged 85 and not on warfarin) started to lose her hair after an accident. The doctor prescribed vitamin K and her hair grew back immediately.
We all know it is best to let warfarin adjust to the amount of vit K in our diets and not the other way round but I am sure many of us are so conscious of keeping within range that we err on the side of caution with our greens.
So, are soft nails and hair loss solely side affect of medication?
Just a thought.
I too have nails with vertical ridges which are constantly splitting; I read somewhere could be a side effect of warfarin. I'm on warfarin and Losartan. Age 73. Still alive though!
Same here. I'm 66 and got ridging nails which split. I thought it was the Warfarin at first, but my GP and EP both said it's probably more to do with being 66.
I'm on Apixaban now and not sure yet, but I think my nails may be improving, so we'll see what happens over this next year.

Several have thought warfarin the culprit, but I've never been on that one, so something else in my case. I suppose like many conditions, aging exacerbates side effects that otherwise might go unnoticed.
I have been on Nadalol for several years, Warfarin from 2010-2015, changed to Apixaban from last April. My nails are a lot more brittle since starting Apixaban. I also have vertical ridges. My consumption of Green vegetables hasn't changed. It looks Apixaban has had more adverse effect on my nails. AB
My conclusion from all your experiences and my own experience is that it is a combination of medication, ageing, menopause (women), house work, nutrient deficiency and another cause could be under active thyroid gland. I am going to have mine checked out. AB
I am new to this site and to AF, but I have had the same nail condition ever since my bypass surgery 15 years ago. I thought it might be related to the surgery. My friends thought diet, but I was already on a heart healthy diet (at least the one they recommended at that time) long before the surgery. I had never considered meds causing it, but you may have something there. I don't take fleccainide that I know of unless it goes by another name. I do take lots of meds, though. I think I will investigate side effects.

Thanks for your reply. It would be nice to know.
Thanks, all, for your thoughtful answers! Sounds like it could be more than just aging, which I'm sure is a factor, but as this came on rather suddenly since taking the fleccainide, thought there might be a cause/effect relationship. I'll let you know in June, if I get to go off it again permanently, and they start getting healthy again.
Thanks. I read somewhere that decreased oxygen kevels will affect nails.
I am not on any anti coagulants or Flec but on Bisoprolol Losartan and Doxycasin and I have noticed striated and flaky nails for the past 6 months or so.I note BobD suggest possible zinc shortage, so may try a supplement or diet addition
Hi I have vertical ridges/lines on my nails not too noticable and some hair loss, thinning a bit rather than hair falling out. I am on Biso, Diltiazem and ramipril and revoroxaban as noac. I al also on Letrozole which is for breast cancer, one of the well known side effects of these is hair loss and bad aches and pains, add this to my arithtic pain and not being able to take much in the way of pain killers it is sometimes hell. So take your pick, I think they all add to the problems and age with it of course. One thing I do take for the nails and hair and arthritus is Emu Oil Capsules, high in the good omega oils
have taken them for many years and help greatly, helps the skin a well.
best wishes Cassie
Me too! Eliquis 5mg x2 daily for past year. Have had ridges on nails for some time but these now split. Have to keep nails short. Couple of toe nails and few fingernails. It is known to be an age related problem but mine has definitely been worse since being on Eliquis. Small price to pay though!
Will defo be trying Cornucresine. Sounds promising
Sounds like a theme here. I know my aunt complained of this problem years ago (she's 94 now), but she wasn't on any meds. Maybe the meds just exacerbate a problem we'll get anyway.