Anyone else get opthalmic migraines f (flashing zigzag lines no pain). I used to have full blown migraines with lots of pain and flashing zigzag lights but since I have been on meds for my heart do not get the pain any more doc thinks it is the bisoprolol stopping the pain
Ophthalmic migrain: Anyone else get... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ophthalmic migrain
These are common post ablation and apparently something to do with the transeptal puncture but I haven't heard of them before ablation or due to bisoprolol.
I've twice this year seen flashing zigzag lights, visible with both eyes. No pain. They lasted about 10 minutes and then went away. The first one was a straight line wavering in the middle of my vision and the second was a curve at one side. I mentioned them to my optician but have not yet told my GP. Thanks for the reminder!
I had one episode 2 or 3 years ago, well before the onset of AF. For me the most obvious symptom was I lost peripheral vision on the right but also the sort of flashes you might get from staring at the sun. Took myself to Emergency where the main focus was on ruling out any other eye condition as a cause. I was told it was BP related and fortunately it didn't recur.
Yep, I get these too. Used to get ordinary migraines but since the meds for AF (warfarin & nebivolol at the moment) I periodically get these flashing zigzag lines but no pain. I haven’t had a full blown migraine since being on meds. My zigzags start with a spot in the middle (in the same place for both eyes whether open or closed, so I assume it’s brain related) which opens up to something resembling a circle, then over the next ½ hour or so gets bigger and bigger until it disappears out of my field of vision. I have to stop working as I serve in a Post Office and can’t read the computer screen properly when it’s happening. I’m perfectly ok once the zigzags disappear. I haven't had an ablation!
Me too sort of starts with fuzzy vision then the zigzag lines eyes open or closed no pain lasts from a few minutes to half an hour has to have something to do with the AF
I haven't had an Ablation yet but it is on the cards
Hi, I have been having these since I was about 40, long before I started Af although it may have been about the time I started to notice thumps and flutters so could have been related.
They used to be more organised, opening out from a cental dot to a big curve and the disappearing out of my vision but now are a bit less definite. Can happen more than once in a day, never have migraine pain on the same day but do tend to feel a bit feeble on that day.
Had a successful ablation 6 years ago when I was 55, but did not notice any change in these zigzags at that time. I thought they were linked to hormones so if they became less frequent or noticeable I would have put it down to finally being the right side of the menopause.
I get them often, is. Horrid (glad I don't drive) had them on and off for years!! Only took bisoprolol for month as side effects were awful, don't know if it helped as I can go month with none anyway. Hope you get on ok with bisoprolol and that they they have that extra benefit for you
I have had migraines since the age of 14. All start with the vision disturbance, some go on to full blown headaches, but all make me feel as though my batteries are running out for about 24 hours. AF came much later, so not related, although it is known that beta blockers can help in some cases with migraine. Just a suggestion but sometimes it is worth seeing an osteopath as neck alignment can aggravate migraine, with added stress us AFers carry the neck muscles tend to tighten and don't help.
In my bid, pre-ablation, to find a "cure" for AF, I came across articles citing magnesium deficiency as a factor for both AF and migraines with aura.
I have suffered with migraines since my mid thirties, getting two or three attacks in a cluster at approximately yearly intervals. the attacks start with a spot in the middle of what I am seeing, causing things to "disappear", followed by the characteristic zigzag flashing and a sharply focused massive headache.
I was also diagnosed with paroxsysmal AF in my fifties but I'm sure I had attacks in my thirties and forties - just did not know what they were at the time and ignored them as they were short-lived and didn't stop my sporting lifestyle. I eventually had a PVI cryoablation and got a whole load of visual disturbances with the zigzag patterns but without the excruciating headache post procedure for about two weeks.
Perhaps there is a link between the two conditions and maybe a chronic deficiency of magnesium is the deciding factor. Any comments?
What I meant is that visual migraine when no such ever happened before is common post ablation. I had migraine for some two years when in my 30s which was stress related. ( My assistant wanted my job and did everything possible to screw me.) These were full blown zig zag then pain and out of action for 24 hours often. Once I got out of that situation (promoted out of there) they went but the visual disturbances appeared a few days after each of my ablations and lasted a couple of weeks. No pain. just optical. I was told that this was to do with the transeptal puncture although nobody could tell me why.
If you already suffer migraine then the AF meds may assist in removing the pain element but there is no evidence to link AF to migraine or vice versa.
I had visual migraines from age 14, with and without pain. During my ablation it was discovered that I had a hole in the heart, which they used instead of punching a hole in the septum. There is a strong link known between the fifth of the population who experience visual migraines and hole in the heart - hence the relationship between symptoms experienced by those who have had ablations,
Hi there , I had a ablation in July and have had these zig zag lines floating across my vision now and again ever since , they get so bad I can't see ,they last about 20 mins then i feel really tired for the rest of the day , theres no pain but a bit fuzzy headed was told it should clear up after 6 weeks but still getting them , I do take bisoprolol too cheers Paul
Paul - I had my last one about 3 or 3.5 months after my ablation,
Thanks Peter , still hope yet then lol , it seems to be one thing after another 😊
Thanks for all your replies good to know ism not alone xx
I had a no-pain migraine a couple of times 2 years ago, never before and never since. Not related to an ablation though. I was on rhythm control drugs and warfarin only at the time. Just lasted about a minute each time, it was weird. Looked it up and what I had I think was an ocular migraine but not sure?
Maybe just age in my case anyhow?
hi mazza23 ive just read your post its very intresting to me I have the zigag lines and no pain for many years on and off the the doc said it was painless migraine the optician said it was pieces of retina breaking away then my low b/p and then last week told it could be inner ear problem because of ringing in my ear so got to see a ENT bloke so will keep you posted or if any else gets a anser please post it and just one other thing not had a bad headache since going on my meds for a/f
Hi Mazza
I suffered with Migraines since a bad car accident when I was 18. Visual disturbances (swirling bright lights/ spots of vision missing etc) and excruciating headaches and sometimes vomiting
When diagnosed with PAF in 2011 I was put on Bisoprolol and the Migraines all but disappeared! Just a couple a year but visual disturbance only
Since being taken off Bisoprolol and told to use only as PIP, Migraines have returned.
I do remember a friend was offered Beta Blockers for her Migraines but she declined due to the side effects
So could be the bisoprolol I take 10 mg a day