Just got me appointment through for first pvi abalation glenfield hospital 17 sep any tips advice before or after op thanx oaky all the best
Just got abalation appointment - Atrial Fibrillati...
Just got abalation appointment

Take a bag with essentials to keep close as you will have to lay flat for four or so hours afterwards. Sports type drink bottle, lip salve, phone etc.
Take plenty of time to recover. Two weeks if possible. Remember you may well get some funnies for a while afterwards so don't panic as this is normal. People always think they will be dancing the light fantastic the next day but it doesn't work like that.
Good luck with the ablation. If I need another one EARPLUGS will be the first thing on my list. I didn't get a wink of sleep and that was without any complications with the procedure whatsoever
Good luck and plenty of rest as Bob says. Oh and the earplugs are a must. The bigger the better!
Mine were both done late in the day, so earplugs weren't necessary to help me sleep as I was out for the count, but sounds like a good idea.
You can't drive afterwards for how ever many days, so need to arrange transport. Probably need a bit of flexibility in it as I was kept in for an extra day on the first ablation because they thought the entry point had been infected (it hadn't), but came straight out the following morning with the second one.
Worst thing was with my second one I had to wait 7 hours for a bed, so some reading material / iPad / whatever is a good option.
Mine was brill and no AF for many years afterwards and no drugs either (except anti-coags). Have a good one .
Bless all of ya will let u all know how it goes xx oaky if ya think of owt else let me know
I know most people here hated the bladder catheter, but I was (literally ) very relieved to have one in place, had complications requiring me to lie flat for an extended time. Bring all your electronic chargers.
I've spoke to the nurse about that she said they don't do that cause of more infections so that's one thing out the way
The advice I wished I'd heard would have been to listen to the doctor's explanation of the importance of taking an antiarrhythmic and something to keep your pulse down. Then go home and monitor yourself but without taking either drug. If your pulse is so high it bothers you go ahead and take the pulse regulator (diltiazem/Cardizem). If breakthrough arrhythmias occur, keep track of them without taking flecainide.
This advice would have kept me off both drugs and I would have avoided three months of nasty side effects. I also would not have developed what is likely an autoimmune disorder caused by flecainide.
Hi there , I had my ablation four weeks ago at glenfield it all happened very quickly from the moment I got there my inr was taken then ep Dr Stafford came to see me then the anethiatist then I was wheeled down ,one thing I didn't realise was how many big sticky pads they put on you , I was put under and awoke 6 hrs later was told 3and half to 4 hrs initially so think he was very thorough whilst in there ,unfortunately I did wake up with a catheter still attached sorry to tell you that bit but better to no everything so you can be more prepared lol, was kept in overnight and released the next morning , wish I had taken some ear plugs, in all was well looked after and everything explained along the way cheers Paul
Thanx for that I'm being kept awake for the op they told me 4 hrs plus I'm not very hairy so sticky plasters won't hurt lol p's I've got six earplugs ready just incase I lose 1 pr thanx for advice How long did it take u to get back to normal as such heard there a gd team at glenfield oaky

Well I felt okay after a few hours just a sore throat which I don't think you'll get with being awake and a tight chest which you may get , I was told 4hrs too but it took six he did the pvi but I went into af after so he had to do a roof line too then struggled to get me back into rhythm with two cardio versions so ended up 6hrs , I didn't do anything the first week then very little the second week I then took a third week off work just for good measures has my job is quite manual and physical , I would say after two weeks if I had a desk job I could have gon back ,although I was working on the house , my pulse is also about 20bpm faster than before ablation but I think this is normal and should settle in time , your in good hands down there and I was surprised how little the entry points are , you'll be just fine oakycoky all the best mate
Paul how long were u resting in bed after pvi m8 or laying still just wondered m8

Hi there, I had to lay flat for about 3 hrs after but I raised the bed up about 2 hrs after because my back was thrashing me after the 6 hours under general then another 2 hrs flat , I didn't get out bed tho till the next morning for a wash and brush teeth lol and have a look at the entry points which were very small , you'll be fine take magazines and headphones for your music time will fly cheers Paul
I was in for a week, 2 days before with no medication, ablation day and 4 days after. Lots to read, lots of music, ear plugs, wet wipes, sports bottle. I had to lay still over night due to a small bleed, so about 15 hours or so.
4 entry points, wrist, neck and groin*2
1 month on Monday and all is well, 1 small run of AF and a few ectpopics