I had an ablation for SVT's 8 weeks ago. Since I have developed junctional tachycardia, my bradycardia still bad and I can't go for a walk, can't sing without heart going nuts. I have hot sweats too and I didn't have any of these issues before the ablation. My quality of life is horrible, can barely keep my job and to top it all off I have gained wait, my legs swell and I am starting to get depressed!!!! Now they say I need another ablation and I am scared badly. Also, while they were feeding the cables into my arteries, I got a pseudo aneurysm that hurt like crazy and took me two weeks to get over that arterial puncture, felt like they punctured my ovary and yes I was awake for 4 of the 5 hours. I can't take meds because it will drop my heart down too low, it already runs in the 40's. I have nitemares about doing this again but don't see any other options. Anyone have this much fun with their procedures?
Ablation Disaster: I had an ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ablation Disaster

Im so sorry unfortunately things dont always go well but you must try
and not get too depressed, you will have to go again because the alternative is drugs or stay as you are. Ive had three before things for me have improved considerably, so dont get too despondent think positive.
Just try and get youself pulled round a bit each day, just a few extra steps
will make you feel so much better.
Keep your chin up and I do hope you feel better soon.x.
Oh thank you for your kind words. So you have had this procedure 3 times? Were you awake for 4 of the 5 hours or under? I am scared and depressed because the things I like to do, are impossible now and to top it off I might end up with a pacemaker. Do you know anything about pacemakers? I sing with a group and for my birthday my husband just bought me a ear piece mic and when looking at the instructions it said, do not use if you have a pacemaker. Only a $500 mic, but if I have next procedure in 2-3 weeks, it will be sad not to use it. Did you use same doctor each time for your procedures? Do you feel great now? Thank you for your time!
Pacemaker if needed not end of the world i have greatly improved from having mine. Keep posting we are here to support you

So glad you responded as my attitude isn't as positive about a procedure as previous. This is so personal, and scary. Do you have to be careful around radio frequency products? How long have you had a pace maker? Do you hear it or feel it work? Have you more energy now with this device in place? I hear my chances are 50-50 ending up with a pace maker after this next procedure because fixing the junctional tachycardia is the most difficult to correct according to two different EP specialist doctors. Thank you for your time!
My husband has a pacemaker, life with it is normal life. One or two things to check ie when flying you don't go thro the electronic scanners, you show your pacemaker card and walk around. Thats the only major one. We have found warnings on loads of electronic stuff, including our electronic car key for new car but when we checked we found it really applies to the older versions of pacemaker, the newer versions have very few problems but as usual, there is an overkill by manufacturers to ensure they don't get sued if they fail to put a warning on the packaging.
If and when you have one fitted the team that do it for you will give you guidance and there is a lot of info on line. Very simple procedure done under local as a day case, took 40 mins. Takes a few weeks to heal when you cannot drive and muscle can be sore for a while but again, 18 months on, he doesn't notice it, only the improvement.
Pacemaker has improved hubbies quality of life greatly, at 81 still playing golf and fit and active and because no bradycardia no more breathlessness and light headlines.
PS - my first ablation made me much worse, ended up in cardiac care, but second worked for me and 18 months on, absolutely no regrets as no arrythmias and feel MUCH better. I was sedated and awake, I drifted in and out of sleep for both which took 7 and 7 and a half hours. Yes it was scary the first time but I found it rather fascinating watching and much faster recovery than from GA.
Thank you for your good words, well received. I enjoyed the technology but not the pain when my heart reacted to the testing and referred pain associated with procedure, but truly an amazing task. I would hope then to come out with a pacemaker, no drugs after and feeling much more safe. My heart can stop at any point now, so I am a nervous nilly. All that could go wrong went wrong with my procedure and has completely ruined my summer. I have just turned 59 and have the wind now of an 80 year old, having been a long distance runner a few years back this has been a major adjustment. My heart stays 40-50; upon ironing my shirt a few minutes ago my rate bumped to 100 and I had to sit down. Unreal! So, I'll book procedure as quickly as I can and we will see what happens. I have switched hospitals and doctors. Oddly enough a few weeks after my procedure they closed the lab down where I had it done to get new equipment. I had several burns from the electropads they put on me, just not sure I had the best care. Again, thank you for your encouragement and time!
I think you have been very unlucky because most of us are blotto for most if not all of an ablation and don't notice anything - or don't remember any of it.
So sorry that things haven't been going well afterwards either. It all sounds difficult but may still improve. It sounds as if you have more than your share of troubles and it's not easy to be buoyant when there are so many things going slightly astray, but if one thing improves, others may follow suit. Shirlygirly's last but one paragraph is full of good advice.
People with pacemakers seem enthusiastic about them, and they can improve quality of life but perhaps you have other options first.
Yes, unlucky is correct as the percentage of what happened to me was 1%. Crazy. Maybe I should enter the lottery with those percentages? Thank you for warm thoughts and sharing. I am listening to all advice and so happy I have people like you to keep me going. Thank YOU!
hi after years of permanent AF failed cardioversion, drug conversion, and ablation and then a tumour removed from my heart and surgical ablation.as open heart surgery. I was left with low heart rate and other arrythmias and AF. My life was dreadful if i moved my heart rate dropped to 30-40 and all the problems that brought. 8months post op it was decided to insert a pacemaker it made a huge difference it ensures my heart rate stays at 60 beats per minute. I do not feel or hear it at all, yes some things to avoid but generally not a lot. Mine was adjusted in oct so if i exercise it will raise up to 120 should i need it. Im not 100% but pacemaker and meds have greatly improved my lot. I went to Greece two weeks after so cant be all that bad. I carry a card to inform medics and wear a locket with info in. hope that helps

Hi back and thank you. I didn't mention I also have AF with brady with junctional tachycardia and avnrt which is still part of what I had first procedure for SVT's; way confusing and mine is either like yours was in the 30-40's or flying high. No happy. I am thinking about trying a walk about when it cools a little today just to see what happens. With any activity it does some strange beats and I have to go sit down. This is so difficult as just a few years ago I was a long distance runner and now I can't walk. My family wonders why I don't want to go on the lake and do my normal fun things, don't even want to go see my horse let along ride her. Just feel like a misfit now. So talking to you and others makes me feel more normal, thank you. Do you know anything about staying away from my radio frequency devices like my wireless microphone? I was hoping that was a warning in general and they have updated pace makers since then but this is a brand new mic just being offered so I guess I might wait to see if I need a pace maker and return mic before I use it? I am happy you are doing so well after such a long history of challenges. I am thinking I was better off before surgery and should have just enjoyed the SVT's only once or twice a year. This mess I have now is all day every day! Yikes! You have helped my fear lessen with the pace maker. Thank you very much Frills.
The pseudoaneurism usually resolves on it's own. If not, there is an injection procedure to stop the blood leak. I read a lot about it because I had two plus an AV fistula. For reassurance, you can have an ultrasound to chart progress.