I don't know how to insert the link but has anyone read the Daily Mail article this morning about how your birth month determines what ailments you will suffer from. Apparently people born In March will get atrial fibrillation. How many of you share a birthday in March as I do.
Daily Mail article: I don't know how to... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Daily Mail article

No. I'm May.

I do but do all March births become Race Engineers and all Pisces become alcoholics? Cynic.Me?
December - a winter baby
No, October!
December; the Mail lies about everything, best left unread, it will improve the chances of civilisation continuing to develop.
June . It looks as reliable as the Mails daily horoscope .
June for me
April. As always, newsprint takes on all sorts of rubbish
May, are there any regulars in March!!
Late April.
I read a Daily Mail article this morning about a man who died of caffiene intoxication from drinking two cans of Monster energy a day. I'm no fan of the drink but a quick google revealed that it takes about 5 gallons of coffee to die from caffeine intoxication!!!
They are somewhat of an alarmist paper.
I do!!!
I to was born in March and have AF Coincidence or what
March. But what a load of rubbish.
Typical Daily Mail rubbish.
They said I was overweight but in fact I am not tall enough.
How intriguing! Yes, I was born in March and now have permanent AF. I suspect that one in twelve sufferers were born in March. Astrology does not really work like that.
March !!! permanent AF
Thanks. Everyone who responded. Maybe a typical daily mail article but it got us all talking.