Magnesium Deficiency: The Real Empero... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Magnesium Deficiency: The Real Emperor of All Maladies?

EngMac profile image
4 Replies

A doctors comment on

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EngMac profile image
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4 Replies
Dave1961 profile image

If only more GP's and specialists were as willing as this guy to at least understand what magnesium deficiency CAN do in the body instead of just prescribing yet another drug which, as a side effect, could in fact be removing the very magnesium we are deficient in.

I know some people are unable to handle supplementing with magnesium however for those of us who can, the evidence that magnesium deficiency contributes to AF and many other diseases is now supported by a plethora of scientific studies and medical practitioners.

Since starting magnesium supplementation my AF has significantly calmed down, depression I suffered from for decades has lifted markedly to the point where I no longer am needing anti-depressants, a problem I had with swallowing caused by spasms in my esophagus has disappeared ... I can not say enough good things about it.

Thanks for sharing 🌼

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Interesting. I eat two bananas a day, plus nuts and salad, so hope I'm getting enough natural magnesium, but have just taken a magnesium citrate tablet in the middle of breakfast just to be on the safe side. I really hope I don't get a sore stomach again from taking the supplement.

CDreamer profile image

I posted this link a few weeks ago but also found another on PatientUK site that provide much more hard data regarding both hypo and hypermagnasia. Please remember that it is you cell level, not your serum level which needs to be tested and you will not get that done on the NHS. I cannot provide the link because it gives it in reader views but just google PatientUK & magnesium and you will get it.

I have come to realise that the role electrolytes play in our health is a very complicated process and taking just one supplement, although may help some individuals and from the reports on this site obviously does, it is like so many things in life It is not for everyone and can be contra indicated for some, including me, so please check with your doctors before taking any supplement.

And I did ask my EP 18 months ago and he was very knowledgeable about Magnesium and agreed it needed research and until there is a definitive study you are not going to get very far in the NHS.

Dave can you give details of the scientific studies you know of?

And very pleased that it has helped you so much, fascinated about the lift of depression! There is one GP who writes extensively about mytrochondria disease and prescribes magnesium, amongst other supplements, and believes that centuries of intensive farming has depleted the magnesium in the soil, therefor believes most people are deficient in minerals generally as we are unable to now get enough from our food, because the land is deficient.

Unfortunately she was taken to the medical committee for publishing without sufficient data to support the claims she was making. She now only practises privately and I believe this is another reason why some doctors will not speak out about non pharma remedies - fear of career suicide!

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