This is on the Medscape site and could be of interest to anyone taking digoxin or anyone to whom a doctor recommends taking it. It seems this drug should be used with extra caution, especially the older the person is.
Digoxin use in Modern Medicine - Atrial Fibrillati...
Digoxin use in Modern Medicine
True. Little used in UK for AF anyway.
One example of use in the UK was in the Daily Mail article about the Watchman. This gentlemen was prescribed it.
Hi you may remember...I was discharged ten years ago...told to come back at 75 and ....thank goodness that's still a long way away...I take digoxin ...bisopral and losarten....I'm still non symptomatic good ski and cycle....but in perm af ....should I ask to change medication or just keep trucking G P is a dote but never mentions my af ...I self check my inr ....not worried but interested in your opinion....
Last October my cardiologist recommended I supplement my daily flecenaide with digoxin, and I had the most alarming reaction - my pulse felt very irregular (though not in fibrillation), pounding, almost bursting through my chest, a deeply unnerving and dangerous feeling, as though I'd been poisoned or having a heart attack. I stuck with it for two days feeling dreadful, but ultimately bailed out and threw out the prescription.
I haven't felt the need to take anything other than flecenaide, but will be seeing my cardiologist in a few weeks and will see what he thinks. Digoxin feels like a very dangerous drug, at least for me. However, I gather some people find it helpful.
Interesting post I have AF and PAH with a few other things thrown in. As it states with PAH there is little study with it but has been found to help reduce pressure with additional CCB. Which I have recently been changed to. So in my case not all bad? Even though I still feel rough
Be Well
I have been taking Digoxin for nearly a year in addition to Bisoprolol. I feel well and the combination has kept my heart rate below 80 bpm and usually below 70 bpm. The alternative that I was offered was Bisoprolol and Amiodarone. This also worked for me in the past but the Amiodarone gave me side effects and ruined my thyroid. When I go for my yearly cardio check up in July, I will be interested to see what they say.