Hi I'm Bubbles and I need to know is there anyone out there who just gets up in the morning but feel like they have run a marathon and you go back to sleep? I can't help it , it happens everyday. Or how about you walk from one room to the next and be out of breath? And my heart is racing?? I really feel like my family doesn't believe this is happening but it is. Please help.
Hi I'm Bubbles does anyone have AF?? ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Hi I'm Bubbles does anyone have AF?? And Dr. Says you have to have ablation??

Hello Bubbles and welcome to the mad mad world of AF. We have all been there I am sure and I do understand how people who have never had AF think we are over exaggerating the problems we have. We don't look ill so we can't be. Yeah!
You don't say what treatment you are on (what drugs etc) and what kind of doctor is treating you. An electrophysiologist, a specialist cardiologist who deals in rhythm problems, is the person to see and yes they may suggest an ablation as frankly if you are reasonably young and otherwise healthy why spend the rest of your life on some pretty nasty drugs. I went that route and although it took three goes I have been free of AF now for seven years.
You do need to take charge of your treatment mind you and learn all you can by downloading the fact sheets from the AF Association website and also CAREAF website.
You do need to consider anticoagulation as AF makes us five times more likely to have a stroke. If you look up CHADS or CHADSVASC you can work out your personal risk factor so that you are well prepared to discuss this with your doctor(s)
Ask any question and we will try to help.
Hi bob just reading you response how long did you have af for before you first ablation and can you renember what meds you were on. Just interested as you say you have been af free for seven years I take it without meds. Thanks chris
Hi Chris. about two years post diagnosis but probably ten before that. Been meds free for about 6 1/2 years now. Before that I started on atenalol and flecainide as PIP then when I saw EP in 2005 he changed me to propafanone. Loads of other meds of course for all my other ills but nothing specifically for AF.
Its difficult trying to explain to my spouse what AF feels like. Sometimes its not much and I can cope easily, other times I HAVE TO lie down and I feel completely drained. Its tough to get that across even to people we are close to.
This forum is a great resource, read as many of the threads as you can, you will learn alot.\
That will help.....
Hi ive got AF and Im having ablation next week. AF is horrible and you do feel like youve run a few marathons when you have it. Get rest when you can dont ignore how you feel. You know your body better than anyone. Hope you get some help
Hi Bubbles and welcome, yes to all of your questions. Had frequent, fast AF, often during sleep at night, for about 8 years and then had an ablation. Best thing I ever did as although I had to have 2, I have not had an AF episode for a year now, ablation last March and therefor none of the symptoms that are so disabling that you describe.
If you are lucky enough to be offered an ablation, go for it and enjoy your life again, the alternatives are meds which as Bob says, can be pretty nasty long term and also stop working.
Ditto to all the others said. Best wishes,,,,
PS - Get your family to read these threads!
Hi Bubbles,
As BobD said - welcome to the mad, unpredictable world of AF. Have you actually been diagnosed with AF - i.e with an ECG tracing? That's the first step to a proper diagnosis. If your family thinks you're exaggerating your condition - firstly, ask them (from a sitting position) to run up a seriously steep set of stairs 30 times. Secondly, ask them to look at an ECG tracing of your AF episode and compare it to a normal sinus rhythm (normal rhythm) reading, and see the the distinct difference in readings. Thirdly, tell them in car terms, it's akin to a too fast idle owing to a jammed car engine revving it's little heart out (almost too fast to engage drive) Fourthly, if any of your family members need to sit with you in the emergency department of some hospital for 10 or 12 hours while doctors are injecting you with IV drugs attempting to bring your heart rate down and your rhythm under control, they might begin to understand what AF is actually all about.
Good luck Bubbles and all the very best,
Bubbles, you have just said exactly what I told my doctor last week. It's the exhaustion after the least exertion that gets to me, but hey, I'm medicated so I just keep going. I'd had all the symptoms of AF since at least the 80s, but was only diagnosed in 2012, so I feel as I was a walking time bomb all those years. Before diagnosis I would push myself because I thought I was unfit, now I know the reason I do what I can when I can. Look after yourself.