Ok so here I am back home after my laser balloon ablation yesterday!
Thanks to the peeps on here I wasn't as nervous as I could have been but I was worried how the oesophageal thermometer thingy would go down !! Literally !!!
Well it certaily wasn't one of the more pleasant things I've had up my nose and swallowed ( in fact it's probably the only thing ...) however the worst part was actually having a numb throat as they spray it with local befor putting tube up there so when it was time for me to swallow I couldn't quite find my swallow if you know what I mean , Cust throat wa numb I couldn't feel it but managed if anyway and it was uncomfortable , a strange feeling but not painful .
The ablation went next and as I was sedated quite heavily the hours vpassed on and although I was awake it was like a dreamy twilight , and next thing I knew I was talking to my consultant who told me he was really pleased it had gone well and I could go back to my room
The painful bit was the pressure closure on the artery but I'd had that before for angio and it had been fine but that was in wrist this was in groin so it may have been as they said and unlucky that the nerve had gone into spasm ..!
Then I got a bleed cus they took it off !!!! Wow lots of lovely red blood , worried looking nurses the re applying of the pressure cuff and a change of sheets ! . . after that no more pain just lie down don't move etc until they were sure it was not going to do that again. Meanwhile I was lying flat on my back drinking from a sippy cup thinking it was quite hilarious ( drugs again !!! Obviously sedation hadn't worn off entirely ! Either that or I'm a complete weirdo ... Friends please desist from that discussion !! )
Great nights sleep even hooked up to monitor .
Come the morning !! Row great I slept well I felt fine all good , doc says it's really good outcome I had episode of lively AF whilst he was doing his stuff. aided by the camera in the balloon he could see if and zapp it ( technical term ! Ha ) so he expects I'll be fine
Problems began late morning cus he obviously didn't mean right away and I thought id be running out of my room throwing my bisoprolol, and flecanide out of the window with gay abandon ( which is neither a euphemism or a homophobic remark !) . Instead I was in tears asking the nurse why I felt like rubbish , still sweating and now to top it of. I had horrible burning raw pain down my pipes and in my chest right about where the tubes and paraphernalia had been ! Hmmm think I answered my own question there !! " it's all perfectly normal " said she ... " what did you think ?that you be running down the stairs throwing your tablets ....." You Get the drift ... No of course not I lied .. I can't drive for a few days and "take it easy " is beginning to become the story of my , once frenetic fast lane manically paced , life . Will I be able to play the piano I asked " of course , not a problem " she said .... Which is great cus I have always wanted to be able to play an instrument ...