Please go to HealthUnlocked Colonoscopy, click on questions and posts,
scroll down until you come to Colonoscopy ????? HeeHee, Hope you
all can see the funny side.Shirley.
Please go to HealthUnlocked Colonoscopy, click on questions and posts,
scroll down until you come to Colonoscopy ????? HeeHee, Hope you
all can see the funny side.Shirley.
An old one but a good one. There was a thread in MountainBike News on Facebook or something similar a while back about a chap who had to have a colonoscopy and he described the goings on (pun intended) following taking the "clearout " medication along with the flatulence following being blown up with air during the procedure--- especially in the lift on his way home. It took me nearly half an hour to read it as I was crying with laughter so much.
Thanks for a snorting, lmao few minutes. JanR