I've started having flutters in my chest and going hot. Last a few seconds but this is what it was like before I was diagnosed and started going dizzy. (No dizziness this time yet!). In on 2.5 bisoprolol and have been fine in this for the past year but symptoms getting worse. Still waiting for an ablation for my svt but am really scared I'm getting worse. Am distracting myself with reading and trying not to think about it. I just want to cry. I've no one else to talk to but on here where people understand. Is it a blip and I will be fine in a few days. A&e won't do anything. They just refer me to my cardiologist. Dr great for support but no one understands like people who have/are going through it. I've no tightness in my chest just a funny feeling and have breathlessness.
Flutters and palpitations starting ag... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Flutters and palpitations starting again ....

Oh, I am so sorry... we know we will be fine in a few days as you say, but is difficult to get through the moment. Can you take your pulse? It sounds as though the meds are working. I don't take the same, but I know mine can leave me breathless as well.
I hope this passes soon, try and take long deep breaths, it might not stop the flutters but we bear them better. Longer exhale than inhale... hope you get some relief soon!
My pulse is strong and regular 70bpm. When my heart feels funny my pulse skips a beat. Not sure if this is af or flutter?
Impossible for any of us to say.... we are all unique in our types. What is most important is that you get relief and learn to coast through these episodes until you get your ablation. You see, many are already piping in here. You are NOT alone
What you describe is an ectopic beat which is just out of place. Everybody gets them but we AFers are so wary of every little thing that we notice them. Try not to worry about them as they are normal unless you are getting large clumps of them together or missing every third or fourth beat. I know how distracting they can be as I have had then in spades from time to time but they are not dangerous. Just feel like it. Stay calm and remember you are amongst friends here.
Big Hugs (((( ))))
Hi. When your symptoms go away either apparently on their own or because of medication you start to feel good again and its tempting to think the problem is solved. I know because I am in the same place right now! I am waiting for an ablation but meanwhile the meds are keeping it in check and I started wondering if I really needed it.BUT 'that way madness lies'! This is probably just a blip for you and the meds will probably start working again but if not at least you will know that an ablation is on the way and is definitely worth doing. Maybe you should go to your doctor if it keeps happening and then the dose may be increased. Good luck and let us know how you are. X
Thank you for replies. I'm hoping its a blip.
Hi Millie - We are certainly all here for you, so please never feel alone. It sounds as though you're doing the right thing distracting yourself by reading. Are you able to take your pulse? This AF certainly can be a scary thing at times. I'm just beginning to get it into my head (after 9 years of PAF) that I come through every episode alive, so I don't get so stressed about it all now.
What this group needs is a magic wand to take us all to the person needing support. Thank heaven for this site - the next best thing.
Big hug and always here if you need support.
Jean X
Better today? hope so...
Hoping you are feeling a bit better today. Hugs xxxx
How are you feeling today Millie. X
Had a couple of little flutters this morning. Kept myself busy and concentrated on my breathing. At work now so haven't got time to think about it. thanks for all your support. Means a lot xxx
I know exactly what you are going through , it's hell isn't it.
I am actually coping better thanks to everyone on this site. Before joining I was desperate and thought I was the only one in the world with this problem. How wrong can you be !!!
Hang in there and try not to panic ( I am very good at panic !!)
Good luck.
I had nightly 'very hard' palpitations until I started taking magnesium glycinate (400mg), potassium (700mg via low sodium V8) and taurine (1000mg). I only get occasional light palpitations now and I'm not sure which of those supplements did the trick but I'm continuing to take them all. I hope you start feeling better.