Some interesting reading: I have been... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Some interesting reading

BobD profile image
13 Replies

I have been asked to proof read a huge tome the subject of which I will not bore you with. My purpose is as a lay man to assess the content from that angle. I have come across a most interesting sentence and whilst I can't give you any context I thought you would like me to include it here as written.

" It is clear from previous literature that fluctuations in the balance of the autonomic nervous system (the sympathetic "flight or fight" response and the parasympathetic "rest and digest" element often precede the onset of an episode of Atrial Fibrillation.."

I don't know about you but that makes sense. It seems that a conflict between the two elements of the autonomic system can act as triggers for AF so maybe eating a meal whilst worrying about something stressful or gulping down a meal alone could be the reason so many people find food a trigger. For obviously reasons I can't share the context as the tome is as yet unpublished but interesting stuff eh?


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BobD profile image
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13 Replies
CDreamer profile image

Thanks Bob, and from personal experience and from working with the autonomic nervous system through energy medicine, I cannot believe that could be novel to anyone with holistic (meant literally) rather than mechanistic thinking and I am very intrigued as to the context.

Perhaps you could share a late date and after publication and when appropriate.

BobD profile image

Oh it is part of a proposed research study one of the spin offs of which may be the ability to forecast the likely-hood of individuals developing AF. It is far more complicated than that of course and that is not the prime purpose of the research. A lot of it is going over my head but that is why I as a lay person have been invited to read it.. lol


CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to BobD

Very interesting, hope the study comes off and would be interested in the results.

lizwright profile image

I have always said it is not excercise but stress that brings on mine so this seems to prove it.

CDreamer profile image

Well the autonomic nervous system is so incredibly complicated and subtle it could be unbalanced by just about everything and anything. Any disturbance in the spinal column for instance which exercise will cause.

G'day Bob,

At one time, in the early days when I first identified food as an issue I tried Acupuncture and I do distinctly remember the Acupuncturist banging on EXACTLY on this theme, but although acupuncture didn't work for me (and I then went onto consult a nutritonist) I think this approach could be of benefit with some people. Bit hard to comment further without the full text and reading things in context. Would always be interested in updates when you are able to place this in the public domain.


Aussie John

Loquitir profile image

There some genetic labs offering AF risk tests on established genetic markers for the genes that they have so far discovered play a role in AF.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Loquitir

Loquitir I wanted to thank you for the link you posted re Dr Myhill on mitrochondria, very interesting and I rather think I may have suffered from this in a mild form all my life as I have a history of migraines, IBS and exercise intolerance. It made the most sense to me than any other explanation and I am now taking the suggested supplements as although the AF has gone since the ablation, I am still not as energetic as I expected to be and still exercise intolerant.

Will let you know in a month or so if it has an effect.

How many here have similar histories I wonder?

Loquitir profile image
Loquitir in reply to CDreamer

It would be interesting to get hold of any prevalence or neurogenetics of AF to understand how many people have found to have a mitochondrial cause. I thnk imperial college London and the national neurology hospital London offer specific testing for the genetics of AF. I'm yet to meet anyone who has gone through that process.

devonmillie profile image

Very interesting; I live alone and find that I do suffer after eating my evening meal which is usually eaten when on my own and often hurried too. Gives me 'great food for thought ' Thank you

Dadog profile image
Dadog in reply to devonmillie

Interesting that you say your evening meal is taken when you are in a hurry. To me, that sounds like there is a fair element of stress going on. For me, stress is the main trigger and back in the 70s after my first AF episode, my file was marked up as adrenalin to be avoided. I take that to mean a lifestyle thing as well as its use during operations, etc. Try dispelling that stress before you sit down to eat, devonmillie...and hopefully feel better?

devonmillie profile image

Thanks for your input Dadog1, much appreciated.

rosyG profile image

Bob I think that ties in with vagal AF at night when the switch from one system to another occurs when one wakes up !

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