Does anyone have any experience of having their INR checked while on holiday abroad. Which countries provide good service and which ones don't. I am waiting to have my ablation end May/early June and will have to stay on Warfarin for 3 months afterwards. I want to go and relax somewhere hot but feel nervous about the Warfarin. Would I have to pay for the test and claim back from travel insurance? Would travel insurance cover this? Thanks for any answers, Cathy
Holidays and Warfarin: Does anyone have... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Holidays and Warfarin

Hi Cathy,
Can't really answer any of your questions about tests abroad. I used to travel a lot, when I was servicing lab equipment, and even trying to arrange tests in this country was difficult at times and caused a few problems. That was the main reason I purchased my CoaguChek monitor. Also done a fair bit of voluntary work overseas, so it was great having the monitor. I could check and control things myself without the worry and time taken to try and locate places to have my inr checked. I suspect the travel insurance would not cover any tests since they would look on it as a pre-existing condition, althoiugh that may depend on your travel insurance company.
Hope that helps a bit. If and when you go on the hols' enjoy yourself.
I have just returned from a 6 month stay in Goa India. Had my INR checked at 3 week intervals at two clinics/ hospitals. The first charged £3.50 per test and was later proved to be suspect in their testing procedure. The second charged £ 2.50 and was reliable. Will be investing in self testing when I return later this year.
G'day Cathy,
This issue doesn't affect me as I'm on Warfarin for life and have my own device to check my INR. Re insurance - I cannot imagine any insurer will pay for your testing costs - moreso if you haven't declared your condition. Even if you have declared your condition read the small print !! Personally I don't think they'll pay for your testing costs. Not sure if you went to a hot EU country - I assume you have your own EU Healthcare Card - you may need to check this question out with them.
Aussie John
I have my own tester now and I used to text my results to my haematologist but she has retired and my GP won't do this and won't put me on Dabigatran, so I am in a quandary. But from previous experience, I would say that Mexico is excellent. Found a private hospital, had the pin prick test (£5) and they e-mailed the results to me!
Thank you all for your replies. I will be declaring warfarin etc when I renew my travel insurance and doing a bit more research on INR testing abroad.

I went to NewZealand and was tested for free.
I think most eu countries would be fine. I have had it done in Ireland (not a hot country!!) and no charge but had to produce my E111 ( or whatever it's now called). In France you have to pay but you can claim it back from NHS. I think all the eu countries gave these reciprocal arrangements.
Thanks good to know I can claim it back from the NHS