I also take isotard , verapamil 120 mg use to be twice a day, but was told to drop one of them and take Flecanide 50mg twice a day, I have now started feeling sick and having a bit of diarrhoea, which has worried me a bit my husband thinks I am not leaving a big enough gap before taking the next one, I take one in morn about 11am before lunch like it says and the other one about 7pm do you think he could be right? the problem only seems to start after I have taken the second one, Suzy
Hi the other day I was enquiring abou... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Hi the other day I was enquiring about Flecanide Acete tabs 50mg, you helped me then could you help again please? at first I have been ok

Hi Suzy,
I take Flecainide twice daily. I ensure I leave 12 hours between doses so they are evenly spaced over a 24 hour period. I take mine 8am and 8pm. Not had stomach problems that way. I think you are perhaps overloading yourself with only 8 hours gap and then followed by another long 15 hours gap, try to space evenly so the drug follows an evenly spaced pattern.
Hope you get relief that way.
He could be. I thought you were meant to leave 12 hours between doses. Having said that you are only taking a small dose so it seems unlikely but possible. Hope you feel better soon. Most side effects I had disappeared after about 2 weeks but we are all different in the way we react.x
thank you for your reply's very helpful hubby thought that but I thought I would ask you on here thank you everyone suzy xx
Hi Suzy I take 100mg morning and night 12 hrs apart eg 7 am and 7 pm & have not had any problems .
Hope this helps
Flecainide can make you feel sick when taken with food, either before or after. Leave at least 1-2hours away from any food. I find If I take mine before breakfast and at least 1hour apart after evening meal it's ok.
I try to maintain 12 hours between doses so for me 9am & 9pm works well. My GP told me that some people cannot tolerate them because of the nausea. The only time I felt ill was when I took one more or less with food, I felt very sick, though didn't vomit, for about 2 hours. Never had diarrhoea with them. Try that and if still no improvement, you will know immediately, go back to your GP.
Hope that helps...
For AF I'm only on Flecainide Acetate, 150grs x 2 per day, (and Warfarin). I take it 12hours aparrt, around 11am and 11pm. Occasionally I may miss a dose. As soon as I remember I will take the missed dose, once I was 8 hours late, and then I will take subsequent doses at 11 hour intervals until I'm back to my normal times, e.g. If I don't take my 11am dose until (say) 4pm then the next doses will be at 3am, 2pm, 1am, 12 midnight, 11am and then back to 12 hourly intervals. I have never taken it less than 11 hours apart. I have never had any side effects.
I'm on a variety of other drugs for my other ailments but none have interacted with Flecainide to cause any problems.