I find there are times when I can't sleep on my right side (I never sleep on my left) without my heart playing up. I have trained myself to sleep on my back but I've never heard anyone else suffering this.
Also, when I'm reading in bed, I have to hold the book off my chest, or this also causes missed beats and wobbles. (Not sure what I suffer from is called.)
This used to happen before I knew I had AF - I'd always had missed beats occasionally but they always went back to normal within seconds.
Final question, I'm on Fleccainide and it's been brilliant (apart from just recently when it's let me down a bit.) Before Flecc. if I had a big day coming up I'd take an extra 2.5 Bisoprolol. (I'm on 5.mg normally.) Now I have Flecc and I have a big day, could I take an extra one of those? (50 mg twice a day.)
I really love my family, but I do find them exhausting which tends to set my heart off.
I know no one here is medically qualified to help but finding out what other people do would be very useful.