Hi All,
I'm due to see a Cardiologist in a couple of weeks to discuss my AF. I first noticed I had AF NOV 2012 and the cardiologist I was seeing at the time placed me on Warfarin and Amiodarone. I have been fine since and remain very active, however the Amiodarone is causing me concerns. The first cardio I saw didn't see an issue with me taking the drug. I take 1 x 100MG every other day which keeps me in NSR. I have slipped out of NSR several times over the past 14 months, but upping the dosage for a couple of days brings me back in. I would be more than happy to do this for the rest of my life, but as documented on this forum Amiodarone is not without its risks. I decided to change cardiologists (I was under a private hospital, now going to NHS) as I felt he felt as long as I was in NSR and the stroke risk being managed we would address further complications when they arose. I wasn't and to the best of my knowledge aren't seeing an EP, but I feel other medication / treatments could be attempted rather than Amiodarone. Do the more experienced AF sufferers have any words of wisdom? Things I should ask, insist on maybe.