My husband and I attended the above programmes yesterday. Thoroughly enjoyed it all especially the patients sessions in the afternoon. Really good and well thought out subject matter with high profile medical specialists who have the knack of putting everyone at ease while delivering clever and informative presentations.
Their patience in explaining their answers to questions in a straightforward and sometimes humoress way was excellent. All their time was given free I think. Where else would you be in the company of and have access to speak with top specialists and so many of them in one day!
One of the morning sessions entitled "The oesophagus, stomach and heart. What is the relationship?" spoke to me totally. I have been bleating on to medics for years about this being an undoubted AF connection and trigger for me and have received strange looks, or worse still been largely dismissed on the subject by many of them.
I was overawed that at last there was a GI specialist over here from the USA for the conference speaking and demonstrating with helpful slides where the AF trigger connection could be made.
As I have such dreadfully symptomatic AFib, Flutter and SVT I am like a coiled spring most of the time especially when away from my own city dreading an episode and going down like a stone being scooped up in such pain and transported to the nearest A&E. I was quite emotional through his presentation as it appeared I was exonerated, someone was believing me!
I felt drawn to thank him in the break speaking with him and a very good EP he was chatting too and to my great embarrassment I broke down and cried, yes cried, mid conversation! I am not known to be quick to tears so I was mortified. My lovely supportive husband looked at me aghast as he knows what a 'keep it together', private person I am normally. Both doctors were so kind and comforted me before they gave me their thoughts on what I might want to consider to improve my AF and how to manage my GI associated issues.
So my thanks go the them, other also amazing speakers at the Patients afternoon and the AFA for arranging such a wonderful event. Thanks all. I feel all the better for it today.
Kind regards