then in the early hours i had an svt and had to go to hospital. how fxxxxxx annoying .just when you think your getting better .something else happens .
was due to play golf today: then in the... - Atrial Fibrillati...
was due to play golf today

Hi Moggdog - How annoying for you to have this happen so soon after your ablation. Did your pulse go as high as before you had the procedure? I think you still need to give yourself a little more time before thinking it hasn't worked.
I'm coming up to 10 weeks post ablation and have had two episodes of PAF, one after about 6 weeks (which lasted two days, but pulse didn't go as high as it used) and another 10 days ago (which lasted just 15 minutes). How long did your svt last?
Hi Moggdog - Were your svt experiences this time any shorter or lower pulse rate than before you had your ablation? Was this your first ablation? It's still early days for you, so I wouldn't become too disheartened just yet. I'm still hoping that I won't have any more occurrences too. It sounds like we're both in the same boat!!!
May I recommend acupuncture? I've had a couple of sessions of acupuncture and moxibustion (you can get in the UK) and its helped me.
There isn't much research on it but what there is states that acupuncture increases the efficacy of the drugs we take and reduces stress & worry. Certainly worked for me, not a cure all, a complementary therapy.
Some people in AF who have had acupuncture have gone back into sinus, part of the acupuncture diagnosis is to do with your pulse.
The difference is that (for example) 10 people with AF get similar treatment from the GP, in acupuncture if could all be very different due to the underlying cause of your AF.
Western medicine treats the symptoms, Chinese medicine treats the cause.
For me I hate having AF. If I thought standing on my head in the corner would help the condition even 1% I'd do it.