I had an ablation 17 months ago which worked very well. In March of this year I had a breathing problem which resulted in a course of steriods. My GP thought that my pacemaker which was paced at 60 could be partly responsible for the breathing difficulty (I thought I had a chest infection) and wrote to the cardiologist. Soon after I attending an appointment at the clinic and my pacemaker mode was changed to a normal heart rythmn. Several days later I started getting AF again culmanating in a severe episode in late April leading to emergency hospitalisation. Since then I have had four more episodes in the space of a month. On Thursday 27 June I was once again rushed to hospital with severe symptons. I would like to know if it was just coincidence that the AF started after the pacemaker was altered or if it would have happened anyway. When I left hospital yesterday the Sotolol I take was upped from 40mg twice a day to 120mg twice a day and I was also put on Pradaxa 150mg twice per day. Such a disappointment after being taken off Warfarin and having Sotolol dosage so reduced. My discharge letter is requesting an appointment for consideration to have another ablation. Has anyone else had a similar experience, a pacemaker altered or a successful second ablation.
Many thanks