Husband's 3rd year on Amplitude study with abiraterone +/- Niraparib. He is BRCA2+. Diagnosed in 2021.
CT Abdomen and Pelvis: Findings: Prostate measure 3.5x2.9cm. Not significantly changed from 3.3x2.1 cm from Nov. 2024 scan. No gross periprostatic mass. No enlarged lymphnodes in ab or pelvis. No significant free fluid. No concerning focal liver lesion.
Incidental findings unchanged including but not limited to haziness of the small bowel mesentary surrounding small nodes, keeping with incidental panniculitis. Bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy with recurrent left inguinal fat containing hernia. Sigmoid colon is near hiatus of this hernia as before.
Right iliac sclerotic bony met is not significantly changed. No new suspicious bony abnoramlity. Stable appearance of right iliac bone met. No evidence of extraosseous met disease in ab or pelvis.
Bone Scan: No new focci compared to baseline. No significant soft tissue findings. Conclusion: No evidence of progression.
CT Chest: Lung Parenchymia: Stable left apical 4mm nodule unchanged. No new suspicious pulmonary nodules detected. Stable biapical scarring. Few scattered calified granulomas again seen. Similar minor scattered areas of peripheral mucous plugginh. No new airspace opacities. No pleural effusuin or thickening. Airways: Central tracheobronchial tree is patent. Mild secretions in trachea are seen. Lymph Nodes: Stable paraesophageal nodes measuring up to 8mm. No enlarged thorasic lymph nodes. No new lymphodenopathy. The heart is normal size. Thoracic aorta & main pulmonary artery is within normal limits. Mild calcification of thoracic aorta & coronary artries. Thyroid gland & esophagus are unremarkable. Small hiatal hernia.
No acute/suspicious bone lesions seen in thorax. Stable symmetric mild gynecomastia.