My husband is on treatment 6 out of 25 of his salvage radiation. He has been taking 2 Gas X tablets and Beano tablets before and after treatments. We aren't sure if it is the medication or the radiation treatments, but he has had many bouts of diarrhea. We have tried rice, salmon, bananas, and other bland foods. Does anyone have any advice about how to deal with this issue? His treatments are generally at 10:45 A.M., so we are wondering if we should time his eating until after the treatments. Thank you for your advice. It is greatly appreciated
Gas and diarrhea: My husband is on... - Advanced Prostate...
Gas and diarrhea

I also had diarrhea during RT. The duty RO suggested Imodium. One tablet a day cleared it up (your husband may need more or less) and I needed to keep taking it for 2 weeks after. Talk to the RT team, they are likely very familiar with this.
For the gas, a diet similar to this was recommended where I had my RT. From what I remember I think bananas are a bit risky. It is not about being "bland", it is about avoiding gas producing foods like FODMAPS.
My sessions were about the same time of day. I started my day drinking coffee (to encourage that bowel emptying), took my GasX, and had a normal breakfast (eggs or cereal). Then I started drinking my water (up to 3 liters some days).
The loose bowels didn’t come until later in the process (week 4 of 5 1/2). I’m sure it varies with what the treatment plan is. Mine was 28 sessions of EBRT, to the prostate and also the pelvic bed (I had spread to my local lymph nodes).
Be sure to keep your RO informed.
Similar issues. Solution was diet and Imodium. Worked for me.
It may also be where they are radiating. Seemed worse when they did my entire pelvic area. It is my understanding that that area is more sensitive and more likely to cause diarrhea.
If I remember correctly TA a couple of days ago said the longer the radiation the more this is a issue.
One dose of imodium took me from diarrhea to constipation when I had salvage radiation.
Look into HealthUnlocked history file for a wealth of knowledge regarding Gas and Diarrhea issues. (top left of your screen)
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.