I recently had a prostatectomy 11 weeks ago . I am still urinating globs of mucus . I was wondering if anyone else had the problem for so long after the procedure. Thanks
Prostatectomy: I recently had a... - Advanced Prostate...

After prostatectomy I did not have problems with mucus, however I passed blood clots for 2 years. Had part of bladder reverted and Dr. told me it would take a while for everything to heal. I would definitely talk to Dr about it. Keep fighting!
11 weeks isn't long for RP. That's major surgery and you are just beginning to heal...and at 77, it's going to take a while. Good luck to ya!
Mucus I don't know but I had clots that prevented anything from coming out. 3 trips to the ER, catheters, and eventually the issue went away apparently on its own. I lost a lot of confidence in the ER but as I say, the issue cleared up.
After initial wearing of a Foley for 4 days..... all went normal except for pee dribbling which stopped in two or so months. If mucus continues for another month see your doctor.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
While I was wearing the Foley Catheter, I had what looked similar to pus. I saw my PCP asap. Got a scrip for antibiotics. Problem solved.
I’d suggest seeing your doc ASAP. Mucus could be an indicator of infection. I did not have mucus following RALP.