I have a history of low BP. I have been on meds for this off and on. Off for quite a while and then I switched to Dexa. My BP tanked. I finally called my specialist who helps me with my BP and I asked if switching had anything to do with the problem. He said yes. Pred has a couple components (can’t remember the names) and one raises BP. Dexa does not have that one. Bingo! Back on Florinef and Midorine at a higher dose. He said it will take a few days. Let’s see what happens.
When switching from Prednisone to Dex... - Advanced Prostate...
When switching from Prednisone to Dexamethasone

did the opposite.. prednisone raised by BP too much and switched to Dex. Problem solved no other changes noticed.
My husband has always had very low blood pressure. Since he has been on abiraterone and prednisone his blood pressure has gone up to what would be considered a normal blood pressure.
gsun my partner also has low blood pressure. What type of specialist prescribed Midorine for you? Did you have any side effects?
Partner's MO says his Lupron injections are the cause of low BP. MO agrees with desertdaisy abiraterone and presdnisone can cause higher BP.
I take both Florinef and Midorine. Florinef takes longer to work so the other is more short term. I take .05 mg of Florinef twice a day. Not sure what the Midorine dose is (in the morning) as I am away from the house at the moment. Will look later. My specialist was an internal medicine doctor
Good morning gsun,
Of all your meds, I only have experience with Prednisone. I did have high BP while on it but did not associate it as a side effect at the time. My biggest issue is that I ballooned physically. My neck size went from 17 to 20.
However, my doctor did not realize they kept me on it at a high dosage for much too long. They said I was only supposed to be on it for a limited time, but I was on it for 4-Months. Nevertheless, once I got off it, I lost those extra chins. LOL….
Sorry, I am unable to be of more help to you.
Did they start calling you “no neck”? 😬
Why did your doctor not realize "they" kept you on it? Who is "they?"
Thanks for asking, I was diagnosed in Albuquerque, whereas the oncologist here, immediately had me on Bicalutimide and prednisone. That was in October 2022. Then in December 2022, I started with the process of trying to get on the PCMAddition clinical trial at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. I was approved in January 2023 and thus since December 2022, I have been receiving my treatments in Phoenix Arizona although I still visit my local oncologist once in a while as I get my Lupron shots locally.
This is why I say “they” because I had several refills on my prescription that I kept filling since I was not told anything different.
But since I frequently have to provide an updated medication list, around March the doctor in Phoenix said I was not supposed to be prednisone that long. So they had to taper me off until I finally was off of it completely. Hopefully this makes sense.
One of the founders is Yael Cohen, a member of a wealthy family in vancouver. She married Scooter Braun who was (is) Justin Bieber’s manager. I supplied some equipment to the wedding at Whistler and that is where I found out about the foundation and the shirts. Unfortunately the marriage did not last but the foundation did!
Did you happen to make this switch because abiraterone + prednisone no longer works and you want to try abiraterone + dexamethasone?
Yes. My PSA is rising and switching sometimes can help.
Yes I know, and you are doing very well to do this test. I hope it works as long as possible, good luck.