Actually there were many more doctors but I forgot the names (the webinar has been recorder by Prostate Cancer Foundation, so I suppose there will be a link to watch it).
1 - there are many options and more will come soon
2 - they always push for curative even if stage 4 with mets
3 - darolutamide is quite darn cool compared to the results of even only 3-4 years ago with other ARSis
4 - from doctor IdontRemember famous endocrinologist that is also a prostate cancer patient: take vitamin D, and use a thing called Külkuf for hot flashes, it's a device that seems to work
5 - ALWAYS have a genetic test
6 - Vitamin D for the bones (from dr Saad) and Bone Protective Agents are great also to prolong OS, especially with Radium
7 - Clinical trials are becoming more widespread and secure
8 - Thanks Prostate Cancer Foundation for helping research
That's basically it (I intentionally did not pay attention to the parts talking about when the patients start refusing to undergo another therapy and so on...)