I just heard about Lutetium 177 therapy from my doctor as an exciting new treatment which will hopefully be approved by the FDA soon. However, many other countries are already using this therapy and for seemingly reasonable costs. My doctor did not even mention the possibility of going overseas, even though I have metastatic prostate cancer with not many options left. I have contacted Prostate Cancer Foundation and Zero-End Prostate Cancer and they know nothing about this treatment overseas. I find this strange. I see many advertisements for this treatment overseas. Are they legitimate?
Lutetium 177 : I just heard about... - Advanced Prostate...
Lutetium 177
Of course. The treatment was developed in Europe, mainly in Germany. A lot of research has been done in Europe and Australia. The treatment is available in Europe, Australia, India, South Africa, Israel etc. We are probably 10 years behind in this treatment.
I had the treatment in Germany in 2016 with good results.
Can you please tell me which hospital you had the treatment? Did you have any adverse side effects?

Technical University of Munich. No side effects, except for short live fatigue and edema for 48 hours.
An alternative would be this trial:
There is an early-access program for Lu177 in the US by the company Novartis.
Last I heard, trials like PSMA Fore are on hold because of supply chain issues with the LU177 drug
Interesting. Will check into that.
Thanks for the info. Will look into this.
Yes here in Australia I had two treatments also years ago at Geneses Care. Reasonable price & was day infusion which means no costly hospital bed.
I understand that with LU177 you have to stay isolated for a few days because you are radioactive after treatment. If you only went in for the day, was it a different treatment?

It is the same. With GenesisCare in Australia they just have you self isolate in your hotel with instructions for a couple of days. Saves on costs. I consulted with Dr. Nat Lorenzo there. GenesisCare UK does treatments in London. However the costs are substantially higher, 13,000 Brit Pounds per treatment. Dr. Yong Du is the expert there.
India is much less expensive and Dr. Ishita Sen at Fortis Memorial Research Hospital near Dehli is highly regarded. Treatments have been reported to be in the $5000 range. (Just yesterday I received her opinion of my latest PSMA scan and was told I am “not advanced enough to benefit” at this time.)
I understand all of the raw material for Lu177 production comes from reactors in the US and Russia. The latter may explain the current shortage. Will likely get worse and raise prices for isotope when FDA gives approval.

It was the same treatment as everybody receives & I was told I could drive home that day with nobody sitting next to me in the car so they sat in the back but that was after a night in hotel nearby.In Germany the cost comes in because they keep you in hospital for observation.
I live in Europe, my husband is also running out of options, but I can assure you that this treatment is NOT widely available over here. We live in France and it is not approved here, our oncologist has spoken about it with us. It is available in a couple of hospitals in the UK, and few in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland but it is still in very early stages. it is not suitable for everyone, there have to be various tests carried out first to see if you are a suitable patient, if there is a suspicion of any mets anywhere else other than in the bones, then it cannot be used. Plus it is expensive.
Im sorry to say your information is incorrect. Although it is expensive but its available in india at several places at the ower cost especially compsred to germany.I checked a couple months ago Thailand and australia, are open for Business I spoke on the phone and talked to the doctors that run the program. I am currently in the U.s getting lu 177 through Novartis. At no cost I signed up a year ago, so that train has left the Station. Good luck and dont give up. Calll Dr sen in india their are Tons on links on this forum for paths to lu 1u 177
HiI think Baku, Azerbaijan, maybe the cheapest European option. Check out posts from RusLand. They maybe able to add in AC225 as well. Good luck whichever journey you take.
your information is incorrect. Lu 177 PSMA is a systemic treatment which treats cancer expressing PSMA anywhere in the body, bones, lymph nodes and viscera. Besides the Countries you mentioned in Europe, it is available in the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and I believe in Belgium.
I believe it will soon be available at UCLA Medical Center for a test program, if it isn't already. I had my PSMAscan done there about 9 months ago. It is at Hoag hospital in a stage 2 test in Long Beach California as well. Yes, it does make you "radioactive" for several days so you need to self-isolate and have your own private bathroom. I'm told it makes you fairly ill.
Costarica, which hospital in Thailand and any specific doctor?
Sametivej Hospital in Bangkok contact: Pat Donavanik
Department Manager
International Affairs & AI Contact Center
Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital
133 Sukhumvit 49
Klongton Nua, Vadhana
Bangkok 10110 Thailand
(66) 2 022 2222 Ext. 22178
I chose Bangkok for a number of reasons - the price was the same as Germany but accommodation is inexpensive and the food is way better plus they do one treatment per month whereas Germany requires two months between treatments.
Given that third world pharmaceuticals are often bogus or incorrect doses, what are the chances of receiving fake LU 177?
There is a good organization, the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, which quarterly inspects its accredited centers of excellence and is responsible for the quality and safety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures carried out in these centers! Here is a link to the website of this organization with a list of its active members around the world, focus on them: earl.eanm.org/centres-of-ex...
That appears to be for nuclear medicine PET and CT scanners, not certifying PSMA isotope treatments.
Absolutely right! This resource confirms the accreditation of the equipment of the centers of excellence, and also confirms the membership of these centers in the European Association of Nuclear Medicine! To date, treatment with the PSMA-617 ligand labeled with radioisotopes is still experimental and for this reason has not yet been approved by the EMA and the FDA.. As far as I know, all the results of clinical trials are currently under review by these organizations. But the actual membership of such centers in the European Association of Nuclear Medicine is an absolute guarantee of quality and safety. It was just about that!
My husband had this treatment at Curanosticum Clinic in Wiesbaden, Germany last year. His doctor there was Professor Dr Richard Baum. It brought his PSA down dramatically.
You contacted Prostate Cancer Foundation and Zero-End Prostate Cancer and they know nothing about this treatment overseas.It means they are ignorant and they avoiding to help you with money.Tell them in Germany in heidelsberg region they have Lutetium 177,they can search the university hospital of heidelsberg in Germany.
If you look at the Prostate Cancer UK community website some people have had this treatment and also look at results of VISION Trial, my husband is going to have his 1st Lu treatment 24th March and is under Dr Yong Du at Genesis Cancer Care, Windsor, the cost of each treatment is £13000 for self funding and also have to have PSMA PET Scan before and after every 2nd treatment is £2500 per scan, we don’t want to travel, COVID & war in Ukraine.
I have been choosing the center of excellence for a long time in order to undergo treatment using the PSMA-617 ligand labeled with radioisotopes 177Lu and 225Ac. As a result, I found a nuclear medicine center in Baku (Azerbaijan), where in August 2020 there was the fairest price in terms of price-quality ratio on the entire European continent. At that time, it was cheaper only in India. To date, the cost of treatment in the Baku center with all pre- and post-therapy studies, including two PET-CT scans with RFP 68Ga-PSMA-11 and 18F-FDG, examination for kidney function and subsequent distribution of radiopharmaceutical by malignant foci and laboratory tests of blood parameters is: according to the protocol "177Lu - PSMA-617" - 8,850 US dollars and according to the protocol "177Lu +225Ac - PSMA-617" - 10,000 dollars. But the problem is that due to the accident at a nuclear reactor in Holland at the end of January this year, there was a large shortage of Meditsin radioisotopes on the European continent and in India, and this treatment has not been available in many centers of excellence for three months now..(( As soon as the radiositope treatment is resumed at the center in Baku, I will inform everyone who is interested!
I was treated with combination of Lu 177 and Ac 225 last July in Heidelberg. Cost at that time was $10,000 US per treatment. Found it remarkably easy to access care there through their international office. Also at that time I had spoke to Nat Lenzo in Australia but the obstacle there was Covid closures and quarantines.
Hello , I also was at the University of Heidelberg four times, did both ac-225 and Lu-177 last trip was in July 2020. Off ADT now 17 months PSA <0.04. How are you doing?
This is really exciting and great news for many of us that are running out of options! I discussed this with my oncologist in Calgary but he indicated it could likely be a few years before it is a mainstream alternative treatment in Canada.
Read my earlier posts. I had three rounds two years ago in Bangkok that removed my many mets but I still had to resort to IMRT a year later to bring my PSA down to 0.01. 8 months later I'm still holding at 0.01.
What are the conditions that qualify for Lutetium 177 treatment? My Uro doesn's seem to know anything about it (yes, it is time to find a new doc!)
Yes, you hear it right, Lu-177 therapy in metastatic prostate cancer is a legitimate one. At present the FDA grants "breakthrough therapy designation status for Lu-177 PSMA therapy" in patients with mCRPC. its full approval is expected in 2022.
U can check various clinical trials/case reports in the provided links below which proves the efficacy of Lu-177 therapy in metastatic prostate cancer.
nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/n.... VISION trial.
DOI:doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(.... TheraP trial
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/347.... HSPC-BULLSEYE trial.
doi: 10.1097/RLU.0000000000003890. Upfront use of Lu-177.
doi: 10.1097/RLU.0000000000003890. Lu-177 in lymph node metastasis.: