Has anyone experienced diarrhea while taking Orgovyx (relugolix)? I have been on it for a year. Tried different eating schedules. Tried taking the Orgovyx pill at different times of day. With and without food. One time I was tired of the diarrhea so I stopped Orgovyx for 21 days. A mini-vacation. Towards the end of those 21 days I felt like I was drinking a lot of coffee - I think I could feel the T! And my diarrhea went away. But I figured diarrhea is better than cancer so went back on. My doctor said we could try and stop Orgovyx and switch to Firmagon shorts for a few months and see. I may try that. I have read where low T affect the intestinal flora and so maybe that. I did have IBS when I was a teenager into my early 20's - then it cleared up. Anyone else have this problem? Thanks!
Orgovyx Side Effect(relugolix) - Advanced Prostate...
Orgovyx Side Effect(relugolix)

Have you tried prebiotics and/or yogurts with live active cultures?
Try taking 4mg Align probiotic daily. Should help
"Has anyone experienced diarrhea while taking Orgovyx (relugolix)? I have been on it for a year. "
I have not experienced diarrhea while taking Orgovyx for the past nine months. In fact, I take 2 heaping teaspoons of Metamucil every evening for good bowel movements. I am also on Abiraterone.
I’m on Orgovyx (and Abiraterone/Prednisone) and experience the opposite; occasional constipation. My solution is a daily glass of prune juice. Luckily, I like it.
I can't help you with the Orgovyx experience but can provide a bit of information on the Firmagon. Firmagon is a newer drug as an alternative to Lupron. Firmagon is the drug of choice at the beginning of ADT because it does not cause a T flare as does Lupron and it has less chance of a cardio issue. However, given that you have already reduced T with the Orgovyx, you don't need to worry about flare. Frimagon is administered monthly with an abdominal subcutaeous shot and it is painful for many days. Lupron is intermuscular shot in the butt that is not painful and you can get tthe shot every 3, 4, or 6 months. I switched from Firmagon to Lupron after being on Firmagon for a year and much happier with the process. Talk to your MO about using the Lupron instead of the Firmagon.
I’ve been on orgo for 8 months. The first couple of days things loosened up, but I’ve not had any issues since (until my RT began). For many years, I’ve eaten a lot of raw almonds, probably 25 nuts per day. They sit in a large cookie jar on the kitchen counter. Sometimes I grind them and put them on yogurt and fruit, which is my standard breakfast. Overall, my wife’s and my diet resembles a Mediterranean style. BTW, I’m recovering from unrinary/bowel issues slowly but surely now, some 4 weeks post 28 hits of IG/IMRT.