My Dad (77) was diagnosed in the spring with stage 4 prostate cancer, Gleason 10 with mets to spine. He has since started hormone therapy and had radiation to his prostate.
Recent scan showed a mass on the pancreas which came as a big surprise as the radiation had shrunk the mets on his spine and his PSA went down to 0.02. Today he had a scope for the pancreas and the surgeon said it is cancer in pancreas - they did a biopsy to see if it is a met from the prostate cancer - or if it is an entirely new cancer. Has anyone here had prostate cancer that metastasized to the pancreas?? Online, I am reading this is very rare. If it’s pancreatic cancer, we’re shocked this wouldn’t have been seen on the many scans he has had in recent months. Is there a link b/w prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer? We won’t know the stage until we meet with the oncologist September 6.
While he tells us he’s “feeling fine” - we can tell physically he has deteriorated quickly since starting ADT in March this year . Sad as he was feeling great prior to any hormone therapy and only symptom was more frequent urination (no pain).
We are truly sick over this news today …he’s my best friend and I can’t imagine my world without him in it. He’s been with my mom for over 52 years. Very tight-knit family. Ugh. Trying to cling onto any hope we can.