Has anyone found a skin strengthener to help in eliminating multiple bruising on arms and legs during this cancer challenge.
I am trying a lotion currently, to help bruises disappear sooner. Doesn’t seem to be too effective.
Has anyone found a skin strengthener to help in eliminating multiple bruising on arms and legs during this cancer challenge.
I am trying a lotion currently, to help bruises disappear sooner. Doesn’t seem to be too effective.
Are you thinking that the bruising is related to your cancer meds? I have discolored patches and skin tears on the backs of my hands and forearms. I am on ADT but my meds are not the same as yours. We are both in our 80's so maybe it is just age-related.
Maybe a supplement -- collagen peptides. Cue the "it's not clinically trial-tested" grumbles.
Easy bruising for me has been due to blood disorder.
I had been diagnosed with Macrolytic Anemia years ago and basically I ignored it as it did not affect me.
My anemia cause deteriorated over time with blood tests showing RBC and HGb beeing well below normal range.
Suggest follow up with Hematologist or at least check with your current MDs
have you tried "Aloe vera" ? just buy it from local grocery store. it works great for me
Sooo many times I've wished I could keep my husband swathed in bubble wrap! We keep bandages, anti-biotic creams, anti-fungal creams, moisture repair creams, and wraps on hand continually. The damage that the meds do to the skin continues years after treatments are stopped. Old skin just doesn't resist the minor abrasions of everyday living.
Swathed in bubble Wrap what a wonderful idea....................UT OH! One major problem, if you burst any bubbles you'll l be releasing air which contains diseases and pollution from China..... (rim shot, please)....Anyone remember Covid?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Ammonium lactate
Rubber hose on wife never leaves bruises....(don't get your eggs cracked, I'm only joking. Geez)...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
thank you for the responses, I definitely agree with needing bubble wraps especially if I’m out in my garage, so many things to bump into.
my husband was bruising easily and he stopped taking Motrin and it stopped. I would look at any supplements or pain medication and see if stopping them makes a difference.
"Certain medications, such as long-term use of corticosteroids, also can weaken the skin and blood vessels in the skin." -- Mayo Clinic
Most of my husband's treatments included prednisone: ketoconazole, Zytiga, docetaxel, cabazitaxel, and Keytruda. So he has been on it for seven years.