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Exercise on ADT? You’ll want to hear ... - Advanced Prostate...
Exercise on ADT? You’ll want to hear this.

Cancer cells love Leucine, lysine and methionine -- hard pass for me.
I jumped to the discussion of ADT and muscle mass retention. Does anyone have a link to the study he is referring to that showed muscle mass growth on ADT through resistance exercise?
Might be this one. Apparently creatine supplements and weight training maintained or even grew muscle mass on metastatic prostate cancer patients on ADT. An new broader test is under way to confirm
Here's a good link to the story
Unfortunately, there is nothing in the article that suggests that there has been research that shows it is possible to grow muscle mass while on ADT. The study that just received funding last fall will attempt to determine whether, an to what extent, resistance training combined creatine monohydrate helps **preserve** muscle mass in men on ADT. The control group will do resistance training and a placebo. This is indeed an interesting study, but results are somewhere off in the future.
Unless there is better evidence, I would rate the doctor's claim false. But I am certainly trying to do more lifting than reading about lifting because it seems like common sense that doing what you can is better than throwing in the towel.
Agreed with your last comments. Weight training can only help unless you have bone issues preventing weight bearing exercises. I know for myself, I was traveling quite a bit while on ADT and between my chemo treatments. I did lose muscle mass and strength because I was unable to do any weight bearing exercises beyond some push ups in my hotel room. Now I have been able to go to the gym regularly (4 times a week) and have gained back most of the strength I lost earlier and feel great. Even with zero testosterone. Some of my friends say I look better now than I have for years for whatever that is worth.
Exactly my experience.
1. Always lift first, then read about how great it is.
2. Avoid reading about how great lifting is instead of lifting.
3. Effort is the best supplement.
Best part of lifting weight is putting them down.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Thanks so much for putting this up.
Thanks. Very interesting.
If you come from a low base, weights will definitely increase muscle mass. Look at women who lift. They increase muscle mass and definition but never get large muscles as they are effectively castrate also (minimal T. Just like you and me).
If you are above average in terms of muscle mass, definition and vascularity you definitely lose those attributes when castrate no matter how hard you work (imo and experience). My vascularity dropped off incredibly over several weeks and muscles are softer and less defined.
In saying that, I do laugh to myself when complimented by other men how well developed I look or how fit I look. As I know I am a joke compared to how I used to be.
I removed all of the mirrors, cameras, picture taking iphones, carbon paper, and drawing pads and pencils from my home (but kept all of the old photos of me).
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.