il looks like there is a mechanism involving neutrophils that creates a favorable environment for metastasis…it’s a very promising attempt to explain the mechanism behind a known relationship
relationship between stress and metas... - Advanced Prostate...
relationship between stress and metastasis explained (in vivo)

Dont worry - be happy 😊
Stress? What stress?? Work, treatment, side effects, diet, exercise, getting it all done, is it working...and it might be causing mets. What a vicious cycle. Need to get me some DNase I.
Other things equal, it seems a low neutrophil count can be beneficial against cancer progression.
More vino and more vivo........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
as an old Italian comedian said, "in vino veritas, in scarpe Adidas" 😜
Ain't that the truth, especially with vino in a boot........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Yep. Vino in a boot. Jack Daniels in the other boot and LSD and pot in the wife's purse. Rick Springfield concert was great. Except for the fireworks being thrown from balcony. What a rush. Say, where were you in the '80s? Bet you were the one dropping the cherry bombs.
Well I definitely was not at a "Born in the USA" concert....Nothing worse than listening to a guy from New Jursey trying to sing like he just fell off the back of a sharecroppers potato truck. And his politics suck more that his singing....I would have dropped more than a cherry bomb at his concern, that's for sure. I know, I know why am I holding everything in and should let it all out. Maybe I will if you mention mumbles Bob Dylan...
me <------- an Old Normal Guy who doesn't New Normal text..........
p.s. Good to see you again..........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Yeah. Bob Dylan mumbled. But he didn't need a weatherman. Old normal guy? WTF? Blowup dolls, clown suits, a staff of comedy writers. Now that is not normal. Anybody find Scott? I tell you...the bear ate him. And the lawn chair he was sitting in. Do you have nightmares about being eaten by rats? Orwell called that one right. I have no rats or other living creatures in my yard except cats. They are serial killers. I wish they would quit staring at me. Pleasant dreams my friend.
Oh no!!! That was my lawn chair..........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Nice to start day with a laugh. I thought you would have had a Director's chair.
Just remembered that neutrophils were a "thing" back when I was diagnosed and treated with chemo for non-hodgkin lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell. Considering the normal range of 1.80-7.70 thou/mcl, my neutrophil spiked at 8.9 per blood test just prior to first treatment., then plummeted to 1.6 after first, then slowly climbing to about 3.0, then dropped back down to 1.6 at the last chemo session. Treatment was 1x3 weeks for 6 total, so 18 weeks. Fast forward to Dec 2021 after being diagnosed with mHSPC, and neutros were over 5, staying around there since then, with noticeable drops right after 2 separate SBRT treatments. I'm gonna pay more attention to that number going forward while trying not to stress about it