Hospice here I come : Well after Less... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Hospice here I come

Benkaymel profile image
100 Replies

Well after Less than 2 years battling this awful disease I've lost the fight I've had various tests and treatments but nothing works and I've been on the waiting list 😔

Written by
Benkaymel profile image
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100 Replies
JohnInTheMiddle profile image

I "liked" your post Ben, of course as acknowledgment only. It's a h*ll of a thing and only 2 years.

CAMPSOUPS profile image

Oh man. Really sorry to hear. I've read your posts and replies with interest over time.

I truly wish the best for you in this. Mental peace and physical comfort. Hopefully quality time with loved ones too.

Even with the distance between myself and you and other brothers due to the nature of the digital forum somewhat blunting the impact of news like this vs. in person, I still have trouble expressing myself and "very sorry" is about all I seem to get out of my mouth.

As with most of us with fully metastasized stage 4 I will be joining you sooner than later.


Ian99 profile image

Sorry to read this, mate. Maybe the waiting list you mention gives some hope.

MoonRocket profile image

Hey Brother...words escape me at this time.These are gut punching moments. I hope you have family and friends to lend comfort.

God Bless you.


Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to MoonRocket

Thanks brother

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to MoonRocket

Thanks brother

Jeremiad53 profile image
Jeremiad53 in reply to Benkaymel

Too soon Ben, way too soon. Hang in there, there may be hope. If not, I will follow someday, I hope not soon. Soon than I want, but in my due time. I am with you and love you as one in your "regiment" in the battle.

Mw921000000 profile image

your journey has been one I’ve followed so closely so I am devastated to read this. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I wish you well and much comfort from family and friends. God bless 🙏🏻

Izzygirl1 profile image

I am sending you the biggest ((((HUGS)))) and lots of LOVE!! You are not alone… so reach out to us all any time!!! 🩷

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Izzygirl1

Thanks for

NickJoy profile image

I am so shocked, sorry, upset and angry that nothing has helped you. I so much wish there was something more that could be offered. I send my love to you.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to NickJoy


Tjc1 profile image

Actually, I would trade places with you. I had my time, 13 years. I would truly do it for you sir. I've done good. You should have had more time.

Tall_Allen profile image

That sucks that nothing has worked for you. Hopefully, there will be a clinical trial you can get into.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Tall_Allen

Thanks but too weak to qualify

NickJoy profile image
NickJoy in reply to Benkaymel

Can you get blood transfusions to help make you feel a little better? I don't know if you follow Johnny Irwin - lung cancer - but he has detailed how much better he feels after them and his visits to a hospice. I hope you can find something similar.

skiingfiend profile image

I am sorry to hear your news. Sometimes everything seems so unfair and this is one of those times.

I know I'm destined for the same fate, I just don't know when yet. I'm 63 so a few years younger than you. I have made peace with my condition and if I were to go tomorrow I would be ok with that. I lived a good life and I've provided for my wife after I'm gone. Clearly an extra 20 years would be great but the 60+ years I did get so far has been the adventure of a lifetime.

I hope you find inner peace and tranquillity in the days ahead and are supported by loving family and friends. You should continue to reach out to us on this forum, someone will always be available to offer a kind word, some advice or just read what you need to say.

God bless and hang in there, this is not the end yet so you still have some living to do. And as other posters have pointed out there may be clinical trials you could pursue.

SC19 profile image

There are excellent clinical trials recruiting in the UK - have you explored this option?

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to SC19

My Qol (col) is too low to qualify but thanks anyway

Sorry to hear this, hope the NHS can offer you something new to try.

Kaliber profile image

I’m so sorry to hear this ….. your aPCa having progressed so fast. It just doesn’t seem fair …never does I guess …. Still …

You never can tell tho .. my friend Mark ( Urang on this group ) was sent home for home hospice from the V.A. and he lasted 3 years puttering around his garden and playing with his computer. Maybe you can catch a little break , for a change, in that respect.

Thanks for letting everyone know, my heart goes out to you brother . Keep being active on the group, let us know how you are doing as things change. Dang ……


Yadifan profile image

I'm so sorry to read this. You've been through so much. I'm still hoping that something opens up for you. Also hoping for peaceful and pain free days. God bless you and your loved ones. Sending big hugs from Arizona.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Yadifan

Thanks, best to you too

CRPCMan profile image

Believe me there is hope. I am in a similar situation. But have lived 7 years longer than me predicted death. Unfortunately I can't elaborate on here.

PSAed profile image

I'm very sorry to read this and find it difficult to post a reply.

I have always liked this quote...."Where there's life, there's hope".

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to PSAed


Schwah profile image

So sorry to hear brutha. Are you in a lot of pain or are they able to keep you comfortable?


Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Schwah

The pain is under control thanks

Schwah profile image
Schwah in reply to Benkaymel

That’s a blessing at least. I hope you have loved ones around you to make things easier. If you don’t mind, I’ll pray for you.


Sleepingbeauty47 profile image

So sorry. I hope the science will work something out…

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Sleepingbeauty47


lcfcpolo profile image

I am so sorry to read this, this morning. To not catch a break. You have always replied to help others, including me. Your a generous decent guy. A gentleman sir. I'm not sure what else to add but hope and pray that your comfortable.Graham

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to lcfcpolo

Thanks Graham. Best to you

lcfcpolo profile image
lcfcpolo in reply to Benkaymel

One last thought. Is immunotherapy an option even if self pay.

Sailing-Todd profile image

Sorry to hear you are having such a tough time, sending you hugs and love.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Sailing-Todd

Thanks Todd

Seasid profile image

Did you start carboplatin?

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Seasid

No never did. Bloods not good enough

Seasid profile image
Seasid in reply to Benkaymel

Can you get infusions of blood? How bad it is? Why did they give you Docetaxel if it was not effective?

Proflac profile image

Really sorry that this time has come all too soon. You have been so generous in sharing your journey with us. I hope the NHS can step up with decent care at this time. Hopefully you can be pain free and with your loved ones for a long time. Thank you for your contribution and support for others. I know the folks on the site are here for you if any help can be given. L.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Proflac

Thanks mate

Dastardly profile image

Hi Benkaymel,

From your original post, and subsequent comments, it looks like you have run out of options, and my heart goes out to you. When you run out of road, I guess the only choice is to accept the inevitable and make the most of what time you have left. I admire you for the way you are dealing with it.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Dastardly

Cheers mate

Wongle1 profile image

it’s a horrible disease my boo had 3 years I hope that you have as much time as you can with family but as the saying goes where there’s a spark there’s a flame don’t stop the fight just yet xx

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Wongle1


Bigblock profile image

Aww sorry to here that dude, I'm not that far behind ya mate, hospital has described me as terminal, so just a matter of time, so i wish you all the best it can be, and you still have some beautiful moments while ya still with us, take care.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Bigblock

Thanks and best to you too

Juju1979 profile image

So sorry to hear this news. These posts are the most difficult posts to read. The end of hope is difficult to accept. I pray for you and your family that the Lord will bless you with peace and other opportunities for treatment will become available.

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to Juju1979

The power of prayer, let us pray together for our dear brother Benkamel to bless him with strength and guidance..... In his name sake Amen

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Juju1979

Thanks and for you

APK3 profile image


john510185 profile image

Very sorry to hear this, mate. Don't give up hope. I'm stage 4, Gleason 9, also in the UK. If you think it might help, please feel free to PM me.Cheers


dadzone43 profile image

A quibble: I submit that every day you stay alive had been and will be a victory. The cancer may kill your body but you have not lost.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to dadzone43

Wise words thanks

hopeful1956 profile image

Sending you love and light.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to hopeful1956

Thanks and you

Survivor1965 profile image

Horrible. So sorry brother.

Drandma profile image

God bless you! 😢

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Drandma

Thanks and you

DesertDaisy profile image

I'm so sorry you have run out of options. A big hug to your and your loved ones from across the pond.


Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to DesertDaisy

Thanks Kay

Mrtewills profile image

With you in prayer.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Mrtewills

Thanks and you

Tinuriel profile image

Thank you for letting us know so we can care for for you in our oh-so-limited way. Even when the therapies work, the list of options grows shorter and shorter. My heart and my prayers go out to you. God bless.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Tinuriel


85745 profile image

I feel it brother, many many others like your yourself when left with no conventional pathway they made the decision to take control over their own health..... While waiting for the next approved treatment some say. Their motto: "giving up was not an option" Granted not knowing all the details other than your post.... Their are plenty of interviews on how they achieved their goals. Maybe ck out some of my posts I will pray for you

Brbnbrn profile image

God bless you Benkaymel. 🙏

Tommyj2 profile image

I’m sorry….but waiting list for what?……hospice?

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Tommyj2

Hospice is a care facility for end of life car

Tommyj2 profile image
Tommyj2 in reply to Benkaymel

So sorry to hear it’s time for hospice. I hope you can be kept comfortable and that you have loved ones available to you….

Purple-Bike profile image

I can´t find words can only wish you the best to find peace and meaning. Having been born at all is a miracle and I believe that when I end up in the end stage I will use that as my solace.

ImDD profile image

So sorry brother. Wishing you peace as you journey through this process.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to ImDD


Amadeus71 profile image


icanwintwice profile image

I say this because we are all friends that have gathered here to help each other.....God Bless my friend.....

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to icanwintwice


Eagleandme profile image

I'm sad to hear about your situation, Ben. Your struggles with this aggressive disease process can only be truly felt by those of your brothers (like me) who are traveling a similar path. My hope is that you can be comfortable and as pain-free as possible while your journey continues. And, perhaps the medication trials will help you! Be at peace.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Eagleandme


Professorgary profile image

So sorry to hear this. My prayer is that you will feel God’s presence as you spend your last days on earth. Prayers my friend, God Bless!

BigCDrugSurfin profile image

Don't surrender without checking out Florida Sharkman on Truth Social. Research-based alternative protocols. Prayers to you!

j-o-h-n profile image

Remember, God is always with you.

j-o-h-n Thursday 02/01/2024 11:52 AM EST

GreenStreet profile image

I am so sorry that nothing has worked for you so far. I hope you can get on a trial in UK

rogerandme profile image

So sorry 🙏🙏🙏

Big_Mcc profile image

Sorry to hear you have run out of road. Your not alone. Most of us are walking the same path as you. Be strong brother

SLOJIM profile image

Peace and comfort in the days ahead.

lokibear0803 profile image

I never know what to say in this situation. I’m sure my friends and loved ones will also lack the words when it’s my time.

You are, and always will remain, our brother. I wish you, and frankly all of us here, peace as possible in our remaining time.

dudubaya profile image

Hello Sir, I am saddened to hear this , hoping for better luck in pain control

dockam profile image

Oh crap my Brother💔 and not even two years with F'in PCa😓

May your Hospice stay be long and uneventful and your Passing be far from now with Family/Friends there to bid a Loving Farewell

If you're interested, I've watched quite a few of her vids: youtube.com/@hospicenursejulie

Peace be with you

I'll see you on the other side

Huge Hug from CA

NecessarilySo profile image

Seems to me like something is not right. Low PSA may mean it's not PCa, but something else. Best wishes and keep trying.

Jp2sea profile image

I wish you peace, strength and love.

garyjp9 profile image

Thank you for letting us know this difficult news. We are with you in spirit, even if we can't be there in person to give you group hugs. I will be thinking of you. G

Bronzee profile image

I am saddened by this news.. i still pray for you and hope that somehow a new treatment can be found to help you..

Fairway profile image

You have great courage, sir.

Boywonder56 profile image

will send positive vibes your way bro......damn ....i truly believe it is luck of the draw in this group, sorry you got a worst hand than mind...hope you were able to get some bucket list stuff done...see you in the next one....if thats the way it goes...

the sun rises ...the sunsets
Blueribbon63 profile image

It must take a lot of courage to write a post like yours here. I am still in awe how some the replies reflect no understanding what you are sharing with us. To say 'there must be another trial for you'! NO. Looks like you are ready to go, don't let anyone make you feel guilty about your decision. Make peace with your loved ones, in the end they are the ones that matter. Hope your transition is peaceful and that whatever is your faith beliefs, make all come true. We will meet again. It'll be forbidden to talk about cancer treatments. 🙏🏻

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Blueribbon63

Thanks, yes I'm too we so for a trail

TCMG profile image

Failing everything, try TCM. Must find a really good TCM doctor.

Alloy7 profile image

Thanks for coming on here and writing about your experience. You've accepted what's happening. I hope there are still some good days ahead of you; unexpected insights, maybe.

dmt1121 profile image

I am very sorry for how hard you have struggled, undergoing side effects from treatments and yet have reached this point in such a short period of time.

I hope you are able to make peace with your circumstances, so you can be present for time to spend with family and friends.

I wish you a very smooth and peaceful journey. All the best to you.

Har036 profile image

I’m praying that something will come available for you and that you’ll be strengthened to receive it. If you’re on your journeys end I wish you good days and a blessed farewell.

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