Moving on with hospice care. - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Moving on with hospice care.

MrJack profile image
110 Replies

I had a MRI last Thursday, we found two tumors in my brain.

I am now on hospice care, I am hoping for a peaceful death.

I figure I have about 6 months to live

we stopped all treatment. the only thing I do is comfort care now. I have been

fighting this cancer for seven years.

wish me well


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MrJack profile image
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110 Replies
Dan59 profile image

I wish you well Jack, Please keep us posted. I will keep you in my prayers sir.


jkholmes profile image

May your days be full of happiness and love. God bless you and your family. My prayers are with you Jack.

erjlg3 profile image

Wishing, hoping and praying for you and your family for comfort of no pain, peace and love with tremendous courage Jack.

With sincere peace and love,


bitittle profile image

You have my prayers my friend. I hope you find the peace and serenity your looking for.

BigM62 profile image

You are strong for making the decisions you need to stay in control. May your last months be full of grace and smiles.

YostConner profile image

Jack, I wish you well—happiness, comfort and peace. Yost.

Shooter1 profile image

Hope you don't drag it out to long..may peace be with you throughout.


LF27 profile image

Comfort and peace of mind to you and yours Mr Jack. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Hope you are going to spend the next 6 months pain free and at peace with yourself.

Chiquis profile image

I not only wish you well, but I pray that... The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. 🙏


dlestercarlson profile image

We wish the best. You are in our prayers.

Dad1963 profile image

Praying for you and your family.

middlejoel profile image

Jack, you were dealt a bad hand and you have fought the good fight, no one can fault your courageous decision. similar to what my mom mad many years ago, also from a brain tumor. May God have mercy on you and may you go in peace.


stdcdabci profile image

Mr Jack: Thank you for sharing this sobering news. I am wishing for you positive thoughts and prayer. God bless you and keep us posted. I know this was the outcome you hoped to avoid and I commend you for sharing this news with us all. Blessings to you and your loved ones, Stan AZ/AK.

NG17 profile image

My thoughts and prayers are with you, may you find comfort and peace in every day you have with loved ones ..

redbank profile image

Gods speed... MrJack.....

wrando profile image
wrando the bastard what bravery is

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Mr Jack. I wish you all peace and comfort.


Tjc1 profile image

Mrjack may pain free peace be with you. You are a true warrior.

pinejog profile image

Jack You are not alone May peace and love surround you


Alftmays profile image

Sir, you inspire.

JamesAtlanta profile image


Our thoughts and prayers are with you! You have been a great PCa warrior! Please keep us updated on how you are doing 😊. This is a very brave decision.


Apollo123 profile image

Thinking and praying for you to remain pain free and at peace.

Daddysdaughter profile image

Thoughts and prayers are with you.

dockam profile image

I sincerely hope time here left on earth is peaceful and pain-free. Thank you for posting and you'll have your brothers here sending you our thoughts and prayers. Peace be with you

mklc profile image

Thank you for sharing with us. I admire your bravery and honestly which is so inspirational and gives me strength to carry on. Please let us know how you are doing. I hope you have your family, friends and what is most important to you close by and with you. Hopefully you will be with us for much longer than 6 months. My thoughts, prayers and all positive good vibrations are being beamed to you. sincere and warmest wishes.

Dayatatime profile image

MrJack, When I first read your post it hit me in a very sobering way. It brings about the reality of what we are all up against and the unpredictability of cancer. It's a brave step and it makes us all think about possible future decisions. Your strength resonates and may peace and love follow you.

"Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a warrior"


bjorner3 profile image

God speed MrJack! I hope you have a good six months plus of living and enjoying family and friends. So very hard to be at this junction. I have been battling NSCLC since this past fall (made me back burner my prostate cancer!!! And they are not related, the lung cancer is not a metastasis) with not many drugs available to help me. I have a KRAS mutation and it is mostly not responding to drugs being tried today. So I have many days where my chemo treatments help me become very emotional and I would not be surprised to learn that you are there too. I hope you have a comfortable journey. i would give anything to have the seven years you got!!!


Shorttimer profile image

I wish you a pain free ending to your fight. Congratulations for fighting cancer. God bless you!

ctarleton profile image

I wish you Peace, Jack. Lean on your palliative and hospice and respite care people as much as you need to do so. It can make lots of unexpected things more comfortable for you, and your caregiver(s). I hope you keep posting every now and then to keep us updated, and to share your thoughts & feelings about this new part of life that you are living.


Hazard profile image

Mr Jack, I admire your bravery over the last 7 years. You set a great example for us all.

jimhagood profile image

Hey Jack. Get some pot, smoke it. Alot. Daily. smoke it. Worry about jail and law later. Trust me, and those us who know; everything is better when you are high, dying, in particular. I buried my wife on 7/6/17 after 3 just weeks of hospice service that began the very day she was diagnosed with mets pancreatic cancer. Morphine and such ease pain and that’s wonderful. Pot however, makes you just ‘feel’ better. Jokes are funny. People are pretty. Food tastes awesome. The out of doors is magical. Get every morsel of enjoyment out of the weeks and months ahead. Summer 2018! Make it memorable. Best of luck. The hand of God is in control of all things.

jronne profile image
jronne in reply to jimhagood

Pot is legal in some states

EdMiller profile image

I wish you well -- a peaceful and as pain-free rest of life as possible.

paulofaus profile image

MrJack, I know you have had a tough battle. Peace be with you. You are a warrior - for sure.

Don1157 profile image

Peace be with you and your family Jack.

God bless you man.....go well

anthonyq profile image

you have earned your wings Mr. Jack. Peace love and light.

jronne profile image

Sorry about the news, i wish you peace and the best in the coming months, stay in touch as this path has been travelled before

billyboy3 profile image

well, ditto the above. Still, maybe and with help, see if you can still do a few things, however small, it gives one a little to go on, so put a few things together, i.e. a mini bucket list, a shot of scotch, a wheel around the outside of the hospice, ice cream, man there are still some things you do and enjoy. god bless my friend, and know you are not alone.

joeoconnell profile image

i wish you well but i don't know what else to say. you certainly are in my thoughts

dmt1121 profile image

Obviously there are no words of wisdom here because this is a journey that only you can know. You will certainly be in my prayers. I only hope that you can make the most of the time you have. Through pain management, perhaps there are some good times yet to be had in whatever form that takes. It might be Skyping with a grandchild, son or daughter, sitting by the ocean or going for a beautiful drive somewhere.

No matter what you can do, it is worth doing! We all fight to live for as long as we we can continue doing things that bring us joy. I hope that you are able to continue experiencing joy in as many ways as possible!

Stay connected. We always want to hear from you, so keep checking in. Tell us what new things you discover about your life experience. We will be looking for your posts.

Emmett50 profile image

Dear Jack, May you have love, peace, and comfort all the days of your life. Sending virtual hugs and prayers for you and your family. Mary

blindsquirrel profile image

From this day to the end of the world --- But we in it shall be remembered ---

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.

wongle profile image

What you just said has saddened my heart so much xxx

Schwah profile image

I am fairly new to this sight but it is clear to see that you Mr Jack have a lot of love here. Amazing. Who says guys don't express feelings well. I pray that this love over here and the love at home eases the burden a little. You are an inspiration!!

Ian2017 profile image

God speed Jack. My warmest thoughts are with you.

Costarica1961 profile image

I'm sure you fought the good fight

Scruffybut1 profile image

Mr Jack I wish you continued health and God's grace.

grahaminator63 profile image

I wish you well and pray for your comfort during the journey you take into the afterlife. I also pray for peace for your family as you cross over.


Prayers for you Jack. May God bless you and keep you wrapped in peace and love

sgrama profile image

Love and Prayers going out for you and your family. Don't give up yet though miracles happen everyday and God might have one ready for you. This makes me really sad though because my husband was diagnosed back in 2005 and after radiation and hormone injections PSA was very low for a long time. But just recently it went from 20 to 373 since November 2017 and it metastasized to the bones in 2016 and he's been fighting it hard since then but I'm so scared of losing him. Keep up the fight!

Brbnbrn profile image

With my prayers of freedom from pain and peace after 7 years of battle. God be With you and your family Mr.J.

Litlerny profile image

Jack, you have earned your place in Heaven for eternity. I know it was difficult for you to share this news with us, but doing so was an unselfish act to remind you arch of us of our own mortality. May we all face it with the same courage that you have shown. God bless you. My prayers are with you. Mark

Wdoug profile image

Prayers & love to your family!

OldFart81 profile image

Sorry to hear this, MrJack...but you now have the freedom to SMOKE JOINTS, EAT ICE CREAM, DRINK BOURBON! Good vibes are very important to you now, so get some pot and indulge yourself with all the no-no's you've probably been avoiding...especially the Mary Jane because she'll ease your way!

I hope your remaining six months include many pleasantries.

Nicnatno profile image

Prayers always

snoraste profile image

Wishing you well Jack.

auroracham profile image


The best to you. We will all think of you and you will be in our prayers. Hashem will watch over you and help make your days good. We all care.


Tonyland profile image

Thank you Mrjack for sharing your journey with us. Some days, many of your comments and reviews have kept me going.

I wish you comfort in mind, body and spirit.

PAQFAS profile image

Jack - please know that your brothers in arms hearts and prayers are with you. God bless you.

DSEE profile image

Mr Jack

Keep fighting don’t give up.

Many things can be done .

Peace be with you.

scarlino profile image

May God's peace be upon you sir. Be blessed on your journey from this life.

SsgCulldelight profile image

Damn JACK, GodSpeed Brother, if you have energy and access, Go do some of the things you want to do Bro, NO REGRETS, you fought long and hard. You are already RIGHT with your creator, if you aint robbin, stealin, or rapin, go have some fun Dammit, you have been reserved long enough. Smell the flowers, play a rock song (DRUM SOLO :)), have a drink whatever bro, we love you and have the greatest respect for you .

ronnie1943 profile image

Hi Jack, prayers and well wishes coming your way for you and your family. God Bless. 🙏🏻

Love, Lynn and Sam

larry_dammit profile image

So sorry to hear 😢 hope you are able to be around your loved ones

ChuckBandChar profile image

I wish you well and a peaceful journey. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Cmdrdata profile image

Jack, I am praying for you that you maybe able to leave peacefully and quickly, as I would like to when it is my turn. May God bless you and and brings you peace and comfort.

TNCanuck profile image

Praying for you to know peace and comfort, sir.

Break60 profile image


God bless you and keep you!


vandy69 profile image

Good Tuesday Morning MrJack,

Best wishes on this last part of your battle. Stay ahead of any pain, enjoy every day with your loved ones, and follow your religion.

As Willie Nelson sings: "I woke up still not dead again today".

May God bless and keep you.

Mark, Atlanta

My heart is breaking for you and all the other men and their families. May you find peace!

Tak-Druk profile image

Thank you for sharing this difficult news. May you enjoy life and go peacefully. Everybody else is coming to join you eventually ;-)

gusgold profile image

Mr. Jack,

why don't you try immnotherapy


Comfort and Prayers as you cross over.

Gourd Dancer

chascri profile image

I hope it goes well for you. Please keep us posted on how it goes . May the force be with you as you go boldly forth where all men have gone before.

BAPMiami profile image

God bless and strength to you and your love ones. What a warrior, thank you for your inspiration.


TenscTexan profile image

Jack, Peace Be With You.

"When you come to the end of all the light you know, and its time to step out into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will either be given something solid to stand on or you will know how to fly"

kenner profile image

I'm very sorry with your unfortunate turn. I hope you had a chance to get some things done on your bucket list.Peace be with you.

cancervictim profile image

So very sorry to read this. Thank you for sharing your journey and all the very best to you on the final leg

Beermaker profile image

Bless you Mrjack, and may God be with you. I know the struggle is hard, as it is for all of us, but you have reached the position we all know is ahead of us.

Keep us posted. We are all cheering for you. Wishing you well, and also all of your personal support group.

Rogersw profile image

Bless you my friend

JS12 profile image

May you be comforted in your remaining days on earth.

JS12 profile image

May you be comfortable during your remaining days on earth.

j-o-h-n profile image

I want to echo everyone's post here.

When I visited my brother at the VA hospital the day before he died from stomach cancer he said to me "John I was almost "there" and it's not so bad". We never discussed where and what he meant by "there" but that has been my solace when I think about joining the Big Comedy Store in the sky. The following song is what I want to hear as I'm checking out.

God Bless you and God Bless your family and friends.


HalC profile image

Wishing you peace, comfort, and love, Jack.

leswell profile image

Dear Jack, Today Leswell’s pain has begun in earnest—everywhere. He was so miserable he retired at 5:30. Extensive met pain is a bond I wish we and you didn’t have! Still, reading these replies I feel as if we’re all holding hands around a campfire or an old apple tree. (We have a couple honeygolds to contribute.) There are tears in many eyes I know and, for sure, in mine. Yours has been a very long and arduous road with so many drugs and much pain. I think it’s okay to give in a bit. Once long ago we laughed to think of Les’s tombstone reading “Rest, Les.” We are far from laughing today although j-o-h-n does the trick on occasion, and we are not buying tombstones, but I sincerely trust you are resting comfortably right now.

Day after tomorrow is Les’s hernia surgery. For what, you say? Well, a man can’t go around with gurgling tissue hanging outside of his abdomen. At least he’ll have one day without taking pills other than pain killers.

Too long as usual. “May the good Lord bless and keep you.” Hoping there’s a there there and that we’ll get better acquainted ere long. Love, Jan and Les

StanC profile image

I wish you well Jack! But, try to find out if the Lutetium 177 PSMA 617 can't help you, all university hospitals in Germany have this treatment.

Cancersucks profile image

Kevin had a peaceful death in hospice at 45yo. He was comfortable and not scared anymore. I wish for you to feel comfort and peace as well.

So sorry to read this. God bless you! Hopefully they'll keep you "very" comfortable.

Daddysdaughter profile image

Wishing you peace and you days be filled with whatever makes you smile. My prayers are with you 🙏🏻

gusgold profile image

Mr. Jack

how is everything going...have not heard from you in a while


MrJack profile image
MrJack in reply to gusgold

Hi thanks for your message I am still here, I feel happy and no pain. my oncologist says I have three months to live. I am in hospice care. and still active doing house chores.


nereabg profile image
nereabg in reply to MrJack

I was thinking how you were doing. Glad to hear you are doing fine.

Egerdes profile image

Jack , we are all getting ready for this journey. Just wanted you to know that you are not alone. Some will get there sooner some later. Know that God gave us all the same cross to carry. I will pray for you and hope God gives you love and peace on your remaining days.

We all need to be ready. God bless you and your courage. Our suffering only brings us closer to God. Know that he is waiting for us all. 🙏

MrJack profile image
MrJack in reply to Egerdes

remarkable to see how many people are watching you and care, thank All of you ;-)

I like times like this when im not so scared. there are times when I can handle it. I can find peace if I look.

boc13 profile image

Godspeed. May you find peace in whatever time you have on this journey called life. Treasure and savor each day; minute; moment. We are all heading to the same place, some of us sooner than later. I wish a pain free time, surrounding by loved ones and enjoying all of the things you can enjoy...

RalphieJr64 profile image

Mr. Jack, I pray for you every night. I'm praying for a miracle that God gives you a lot more time on this planet with no pain.

Love and God bless you, Ralph

MrJack profile image
MrJack in reply to RalphieJr64

thank you, my friend, i have had 60 good years on this planet, I am ok.



RalphieJr64 profile image

Mr. Jack, I continue to say a special prayer for you every night. I'm still picturing a miracle for you, but also hoping there are family around you at this time.


Derektwright profile image

Many prayers for peace and comfort my God be with you

Schwah profile image

Hi Mr Jack. Just thinking about you and praying for you. How are you doing?

MrJack profile image
MrJack in reply to Schwah

hello and thank you for your thoughts I am slowly failing I have cancer in my brain

I have headaches , my vision is failing , I still have some good days, thank God for

the good days, take care of you self.

Dan59 profile image
Dan59 in reply to MrJack

Hello Jack, Thank God for the good days, May God bless you.

You Are always in our thoughts. Right behind you Brother.


Schwah profile image

I just started reading a great book called Imagine Heaven by John Burke. Order it on Amazon and have someone read it to you. It goes thru the very common experiences of literally thousands of near death survivors. College professors, doctors bank presidents and young children from all cultures and countries. They all describe an incredible picture of heaven where loved ones who have passed meet you to guide you home. Very skeptical people have become convinced these are very real experiences. Most of these people are reluctant to share there experience for fear of being ridiculed. Stories like a 7 year old girl who was dead for 8 minutes or so coming back. She explains her incredible journey including meeting a young girl who claimed to be her sister. She even remembered this girls name. Turns out she’d had an older sister die before she was born and her parents never told her about that sister. Yet somehow she knew about her and even knew her name. Virtually all these people recall not wanting to come back (and never fearing death again) to their life because of how incredible heaven was. I too was a skeptic but this book was very science based in its analysis and changed my thinking for good. Others in this group may want to read this book themselves. God bless you our friend and brother.



RalphieJr64 profile image

Mr. Jack you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Godspeed buddy

chascri profile image

How is hospice care going MrJack? Hope this stage is pain free and peaceful. My thoughts are with you.

gusgold profile image


how is everything have not posted in awhile


How'd you qualify for hospice? I'm past ready to die with dignity, but specialists laugh when I suggest it.

TheWizardofWesley profile image

Wishing you peace and comfort Mr.Jack

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