I travelled to Scotland to see my father for an early Christmas, and then to West Yorkshire to see my mum. My dad had requested a couple of paintings to hang on his wall as a reminder for when I am no longer here, this being part of his adjustment that I am now receiving care for pain management only. He selected this as one of the two he would like. It is a small, experimental piece just 5" by 6", but was fun to paint. I placed wet burlap threads on a damp watercolour wash, then dripped acrylic paint onto them. Once they were suitably dry, I pealed the threads away. I like the textures and will no doubt be using this technique over and over and over. . . .
I have developed a strange manifestation that I presume is a reflection of my cancer, perhaps related to the partial paralysis of my tongue and the development of a lisp. It is tooth sensitivity. If I allow anything just a few degrees either side of my body temperature to touch my teeth, I can feel it around my upper jaw, though centred wherever it touched. It takes minutes to subside. I shall discuss it with my palliative care nurse when I see her on Friday, and in the meantime be taking sublingual painkillers (Abstral) to help me cope with it. I see no point in waiting for pain to develop and then trying to play catch-up as it keeps ahead of my painkillers.
We shall then be discussing and arranging my next visit to the hospice. I really want to discuss respite care there for my wife -- though I really need to get her input on what she would need to encourage her to use that service.