Several weeks ago I started experiencing slow and weak urine stream for first time since diagnosis almost 6 years ago. This, coupled with rise in PSA, triggered my oncologist to order both MRI and PSMA scan. Would appear things are progressing and got referrals to radiation oncologist and urologist. Met first with urologist who strongly recommends scheduling a TUAP procedure. After taking a deep dive into procedure I have a few questions for my beloved peers:
1) the procedure itself is already causing me sleepless nights. From those who’ve gone down this path I would love to know your opinion on side effects and results.
2) Aside from Flomax , which did nothing for me, has anyone had any success enhancing the flow within doing TURP?
3) Any thoughts on which, radiation or TUAP, should I do first?
As always, thanks a million for your consideration of this request. Till then, best wishes on your continued journey.