I had my fifth Pluvicto treatment at Mayo on November 5 and mentioned that I was taking a trip overseas from November 16-27. The nurse mentioned that she was aware of a couple of cases of Pluvicto setting off airport radiation detectors, but that it was rare. She gave me an official-looking card that certified me as a Mayo Clinic patient on nuclear medicine (with an number at Mayo for airport security to call) and she told me to print out the notes from my meeting with the doctor — just in case!
Well, the first leg of my journey took us from Boston to London Heathrow, no problem. Later in the day, we boarded our flight from London to Krakow. We deplaned and walked through the long corridors to the terminal, then we entered the Customs area, passing through what appeared to be some monolithic pillars. All of a sudden there were alarms going off and airport officials telling everyone to stay where they were. At this point, only about 30 of us had entered the hall, with the rest of the passengers still in the corridor. A military official came into the area with a Geiger Counter in hand. He asked if anyone was undergoing nuclear medicine therapy. I immediately raised my hand and he came over, waved me with the detection machine and told me and my wife to step aside. The alarms stopped, and people started filing in the room to get their passports stamped. The official took me and my wife into an office where we produced the card and notes from Mayo. He reviewed them carefully and pulled out a form which he asked me to fill out and sign, attesting to my treatment. He was very matter-of-fact and the whole affair took maybe 20 minutes, and then he led us up to the customs counter to get our passports stamped and we were on our way! Ten days later we flew from Prague to London, then back to Boston with no problem at all.
Wondering if anyone else has had this experience? If you haven’t, my advice is to carry your card and doctor notes with you if you travel — I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t been able to prove my case so quickly?? Not a time to be suspected of carrying plutonium through an airport!