Has anyone had very small .6 cm hypodense liver nodules (with heptix steatosis) seen on ct scan that were not metastatic prostate cancer- ?
liver nodules : Has anyone had very... - Advanced Prostate...
liver nodules

Yes, after ADT, I developed the same hypodense liver nodules that were caught on a Calcium Score test. Physically, I noticed it when doing floor exercises on my stomach— felt like a sore rib on the upper right side of the rib cage. Went to a heptologist, had an MRI, and was graded out just below the threshold for NAFLD. She she said not to worry, was significantly less than level to treat. Read some studies that show association of ADT with hyper insulin-sensitivity, and attributed it to that. It’s pretty much dissipated now three years after ADT. I did cut back on carbs, which may have helped.
Ok thank you- my dad gets them checked again to make sure they are stable they don't think it's prostate but they want to be sure I'm a nervous wreck
How did they know it wasn't prostate that metastasized
I have had a cyst on my liver for decades. No problems with it
This is very timely for me. At. Friday's MO meeting he told me some small "lesions" have appeared in my liver so we need to move to chemo. I'm not convinced they are PCa mets as a scan last year showed a few loci in the liver. If ADT can cause nodules, I will challenge him about this at my next meeting.
Did they find this on Ct scan and how big were they
Your Uro needs to read these studies!
In an editorial accompanying the study by Dr Trinh and his team, Jehonathan H. Pinthus, MD, of McMaster University in Toronto, commented that the finding that ADT is associated with a greater risk of liver disease, particularly non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, “is an important observation because it highlights a clinically important metabolic perturbation of ADT which is probably unfamiliar to most urologists.”
I know that having Pca drives us slightly insane..... but please don't be a nervous wreck.... Regarding your Dad's liver nodules....... they're probably a nuttin bagel........ BTW how old is your Dear Dad?.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 09/25/2023 10:26 PM DST
Worry Warts,,,,,,Probably spread by you🤢............. God Bless your 80 year old - war baby DAD, give him my regards....as for you, have a sarsaparilla on me (not literally, please)....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 09/26/2023 7:04 PM DST