Liver Biopsy, BC Cancer, Vancouver, Feb 2024
I had an ultrasound guided liver biopsy yesterday and honestly it went better than I thought it would.
1. Change into a gown and take my place on the operating table.
2. The attending Dr. exposed my right abdominal area, sterilized it with alcohol, and masked the area off.
3. Performed preliminary scans and marked up my skin with a pen.
4. Applied local anesthetic (several needles) including into my liver.
5. Using a core sampling gun took 4 cores.
6. Using ultrasound checked for internal bleeding.
7. Wheeled me off to a recovery area for 2 hours, checked blood pressure every 15 minutes.
8. Wheeled me back to the operating room, final ultrasound check for internal bleeding.
9. Sent me home.
10. I ate a big meal and was feeling fully normal by mid-evening.
The only pain was the initial needles applying freezing. Taking the cores was mostly painless.
Each core sample went into my abdomen at the same spot and at the end I had one tiny bandage covering that target area.
The 2 primary concerns, both relatively rare, are infection and internal bleeding.
The only recovery recommendation was to take it easy on the exercising for a week, only light walking - no lifting.
In summary, if you do have to go for a liver biopsy it is nowhere near as bad as a prostate biopsy and the actual time spent taking cores was less than 2 minutes.