Has anyone had experience with cyberknife and prostate tumors?
Cyberknife: Has anyone had experience... - Advanced Prostate...

I know several men who received it. What do you want to know?
canceJust wondering if this is a good alternative to surgery. I'm sure some of the reasons for/against will depend on a number of different factors, but have not found anyone who can offer advice on traeatment comparison/results.
I had SBRT (CyberKnife is one brand of SBRT) 13 years ago for localized PCa and can answer any questions you have. What are your questions? If you are trying to decide between radiation and surgery for your "favorable risk intermediate PCa", oncological results are similar, but side effects can be very different.
Read this:
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Thank you for the links. Extremely helpful. I have only had minimal meeting time with my urologist, whcih seems to be at odds with what others have expereinced. From my expereince, it kind of seems once you say 'yes' to surgery, you're on a production line, scheduled, given pre-op instructions and then wait for the date.
I'm not sure if a prostectomy is the right/best option, so I'm seeing an oncologist in the next two weeks and will use the questions posed in the links as a guide. (To be honest as I do more rsearch, the more I have become informed but also wary--there are many options that conflict.)
Happy to take any further advice.
Medical oncologists are not experts in this - they might have opinions but are really not qualified. You should talk to radiation oncologists, though. Don't expect any doctor to make the decision for you. Only you are qualified to decide. Every doctor is biased.
I evaluated radiation and went the prostatectomy route 2.5 years ago and had biomedical recurrence 2 years later and now having to to address metastatic spread with hormone therapy. Just alerting you to the fact that 1/3 of the time RP yields recurrence - I did not think my surgical staff at Hopkins alerted me enough to this possibility.
Hello, I had cyberknife therapy in May 2021. It was very good - basically destroyed the primary tumour in the prostate gland and also a number of metastases on the ribs and spine. A beneficial aspect was that there was no damage to any other organs. The only adverse side effects were a little nausea which did not last long and constipation which lasted a few days.
It can be quite expensive but very beneficial - certainly worth considering.
My brother went with Cyberknife quite successfully. As with surgery, best done in talented, well-experienced hands.
I had Cyberknife done and had little side effects except during the 5 days of radiation and 5 following when I was very fatigued. That went away. Painless, simple, quick in my case.
The results were good for 5 years. The cancer has returned and metastasized.
Sorry to hearthat the cancer has returned. Next steps? Radiation/surgery?
I have been on ADT since October, 2021. Orgovyx and Xtandi.
Hello I had recurrence from my RP and just started ADT with Lupron and soon, Zytiga/abiraterone. Just curious if your professionals had much to say about Orgovyx vs. Lupron when you started?
Yes, I had cyberknife treatment of lesion on my T11 . It was painless. The PSMA scan 16 months after the procedure showed much reduced activity. No more back pain and PSA has went back to undetectable.
If you are in your sixties or less, you might be interested in reviewing my history. If your Gleason is 7 or higher, you're probably in for a life long battle. I'm very glad I've had all the treatments I've had. Get the best specialists your money can buy.