Hi All,
My father will be going in for his 6 month follow up on August 2nd. 6 months since he has completed radiation. So my extreme anxiety and worrying has officially returned in full force. In the past gaining knowledge here on this forum has restored some of my sanity so hope it is okay that pry for some extra information here
My father has completed radiation in February of 2023. He is gleason Score 9 with maybe 88% of his prostate being cancerous. original PSA 226. Doctors have classified him being between stage 3 and 4 (they literally said that they can't decide which). No distant spread shown on multiple scans. Only close by lymph nodes affected and a "suspicious" spot of Pelvic bone which they could not tell if cancer or not. He has been on ADT for the last year as well.
My questions are:
1. What can we expect on this follow up. Will they just set up new scans to see where he stands?
2. What would be considered a success / failure. Should the prostate be completely cancer / tumor free if the radiation was successful ?
3. Is there anything to be positive about here? with his baseline stats can I have any optimism that he is truly going to be around for many years to come. I am wondering statistically with his current situation.. is it likely that he will be here 10+ years ? or am I being unrealistic. I know it differs person to person but I feel like someone could at least tell me how likely that is